In the book of Revelation, there are two female stars that show up on the End Time Stage:
One is the woman clothed with the sun. She is pregnant and in child-birth.
You could say this is a symbol of the Virgin Mary and also disciples of Christ. If you notice, Mary also became a disciple of Jesus. She was in the upper room with the other disciples, waiting for the outpouring of the Holy Ghost. She not only gave birth to Christ but she became one of his devoted followers. So, she is also a part of the bride.
This woman clothed with the sun gave birth to Christ.
Revelation 12:5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God and to His throne.
We are not to worship Mary nor pray to Mary. She is not any part of the Godhead. She was only human and the human part used by God to bring forth His Son. I'm sure that she would be unhappy if anyone tried to fall down and worship her, just as the angels and messengers of God refuse to be worshiped.
Verse 6 says: "And the woman fled into the wilderness where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and three-score days."
This is the 3 1/2 year period during the Great Tribulation. The great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns is trying to devour her child. Having been unsuccessful, he then goes after the "remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
So, the Devil or dragon persecutes the other believers in Christ. This "remnant" is not particularly talking about Jews. It's talking about believers in Christ. There apparently will be a remnant of Jews saved during the Tribulation period as well.
The nice thing to know is that there will be a place prepared of God during the Tribulation period, a safe haven for some of God's children. That makes a lot of sense because, otherwise, WHO is going to be left to be raised in the Rapture at the end of the Tribulation? Some of us have to survive. Some of us will be winning souls to the Lord, leading new Christians in their new-found faith and teaching others how to pray and hear from God!
Daniel 11:33 says, "And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days."
So, yes, some of us will fall by the sword. Maybe it would be more appropriate to say, "Some of us are already falling by the sword." But, I do not believe that the Tribulation has begun yet! WE WILL KNOW. God will make sure that his children know what's going on. If we're paying attention, we will know when the Tribulation begins.
We will also know that we should NOT take the Mark of the Beast under ANY circumstances.
Now, some people are a bit sensitive that perhaps Christians are "jumping to conclusions" that the Mark of the Beast is the RFID chip that is being promoted in the U.S. by President Obama.
Amos 3:7 says: "Surely the Lord god will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."
Why couldn't the Mark of the Beast be something very similar to if not the RFID? It seems logical that since we are living in the latter days, the Mark of the Beast is going to show up on the world's stage very soon. The technology exists now that will enable the Antichrist to keep track of every person's financial and personal information in one enormous database. Isn't that what would be required in order for the Mark of the Beast to function?
Remember, this "Mark" will control people to the point of killing those who refuse to worship the Beast.
Speaking of worship, for some reason, it makes me very angry when I see a group of Muslims kneeling and bowing on the ground to worship Allah. I think that's a very natural reaction for a Christian. As Christians, we are advised by our Messiah and King that we should not make a display of our worship publicly. Jesus told us to go into our closet to pray between ourselves and God only.
So, to me this public Islamic worship is a horrific display of stinking self-righteousness. It's not righteousness. There's nothing godly or righteous about it at all.
Ok, a little off topic here, but the Antichrist will worship himself as God and tell himself that he is God and demand that everyone else worships him, too. I used to wonder how that could ever possibly happen that anyone would get people to bow down and physically worship them. How could people become so duped and stupid?
Well, the Muslims are already doing it. They're already bowing down to a false god. They even bump their foreheads on the floor to prostrate themselves. And they feel so "humble" and "righteous" by doing so. That's because they didn't read Daniel chapter 3!
So, who is the second star in the book of Revelation? Who is that mysterious woman?
Well, sorry to have to say, she is a WHORE.
She is a whore that sits on many waters (or people) and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her. She rides on the back of the Antichrist. Now, this woman is drunk with blood. She is arrayed in purple and scarlet and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand.
This description sounds very familiar biblically and if we turn to the Old Testament and read about King Solomon, we'll discover that Solomon's temple was also decked with gold, silver and precious stones and pearls.
Did you know that the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was 666 talents of gold? That's 66,600 pounds of gold. That was just in one year.
Read I Kings chapter 10. You may be convinced after reading it that Babylon the Whore is Jerusalem.
I Kings 10:27 says: "And the king made silver to be in Jerusalem as stones, and cedars made he to be as the sycomore trees that are in the vale, for abundance."
Compare the previous chapter of I Kings with Revelation 18:12 - 19. The treasures are listed exactly the same. And, why wouldn't they be? When the Jews rebuild their temple, no expense will be spared. Of course they are going to try to fulfill the requirements for the temple to the inth degree and probably (after waiting for over 2,000 years) they will want to knock it out of the park. They have been buying gold (even discovering gold hidden in Jerusalem) and hiring craftsmen to make all the specified vessels of the temple. All that's left are the walls! As soon as those walls go up, the daily sacrifice will begin!
We do not know exactly how long the "daily sacrifice" will go on but what we do know is that the Beast (Antichrist) will stop it in the midst of the week (or seven years) and then shall the Tribulation begin.
Daniel 12:11 "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days."
In other words, the abomination of desolation will be placed in the temple at the same time that the daily sacrifice is stopped.
Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:16: "Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: 17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: 18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes..."
This is what a voice said in Revelation 18:4 "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
I think we should understand one thing very clearly and that is that the "daily sacrifice" is NOT a good thing. Far from it. It will be an insult to God making Him furious enough to allow the ten horns of Revelation 17:12 - 16 to judge the Whore and burn her with fire. They will make Jerusalem desolate.
BUT, God will avenge Jerusalem on her enemies and that's called the Battle of Armageddon!
Ezekiel 37:28 "And the heathen shall know that I the Lord do sancify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore."
For evermore is a long time. And the forevermore temple that Christ will reign in is going to come down from God out of Heaven, a temple NOT made by human hands. (See Revelation chapters 21 and 22.)
Hopefully you, the reader are checking out the verses that I'm giving you here because I'm not just pulling this stuff out of a hat. It's all in the Word and it all fits together perfectly if one reads the Word in the Spirit of God. Our God is an awesome God! He reigns!
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Fear, Worry, Stress
You are afraid. If you are "normal", you are afraid. Like they say, "You're either afraid or stupid." The truth is that humans are afraid from time to time. How do I know that's true? Because I am human. Fear is a part of being human.
What are we afraid of? Death.
That fear of death is subtle, it's hidden, it's quiet until it becomes loud. It's very, very real. And the enemy of our souls loves to exaggerate it. He even likes to push us towards death by the fear of death.
"Let's get it over with," kind of thing. "Just kill yourself and get it over with. You're going to die anyway, so you may as well end your life now. Why waste any more time on this earth? Nobody loves you. You're not serving any purpose..." and on and on.
If you've never had these thoughts, please excuse me and don't read on if it doesn't apply to you.
Remember as a child how afraid you used to be? I sure was. There were "boogy men" everywhere. Big people were all around. They were in control. We were subservient slaves who had to submit to their will. "Eat your Brussels sprouts or else."
Then, as you got older, you started to realize that the adults were afraid too. They just hid it.
For me, I experienced fear coming from an adult at four years of age, as my mother held me on her lap in the car. We were driving down a very steep incline on the edge of a cliff in sheets of rain and the car's brakes were not functioning at all on the slippery road! Talk about fear! My poor mother was clutching me and literally shivering with fear. It was raw. It was real. And I knew what she was afraid of:
Deny it if you will. Turn your back on it. Hope it goes away. But, death is a part of life just as much as birth. It follows us wherever we go and we never know when it will strike. When others are taken by it, we consider, "How did it happen? How did it feel? How old were they? Oh, a little older than me..."
Is there an escape from the fear of death?
Imagine the best, most amazing, most perfect, marvelous God you can possibly imagine. Come on! Use your imagination to think and picture what the absolute BEST God would be like. Can you? I mean, imagine something "TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE." A personal, merciful, loving God. A God with a sense of humour, able to appreciate a good laugh! A GOD WHO BECAME HUMAN SO HE COULD UNDERSTAND YOUR FEELINGS. I mean, a GREAT GOD!
Really stretch your imagination to the max! Go all out! No holds barred.
I do not even slightly exaggerate. Not at all. My God is THE BEST. He is kind, understanding, sympathetic, attentive, comforting, inspiring, thrilling, exciting, etc., etc. And one of the best things of all is that HE TOOK THE STING OUT OF DEATH.
By accepting Jesus as our Saviour, we conquer the fear of death. By staying close to the Lord, our fears are overcome. We hide ourselves in Him. He is our shield, our fortress, our bubble of protection!
If someone accuses me of using religion as a "crutch", I tell them, "Jesus is my wheel-chair." He protects me from the bullies. He cherishes me. He knows how many hairs are on my head and won't let one of them fall to the ground unless He knows about it. He cares about every detail of my life.
Why wouldn't I want to believe in Him? I'd be a fool not to!
Those who don't have a relationship with God suffer needless fears constantly. They worry, fear and panic all the time. And, most of their fears are unfounded. Most of the things we fear never happen. But, because we know that "some day" we will die, that fear never seems to go away. It just takes other forms. And like stress, it enters into our cell memories and causes distress like muscle pain, disease, high blood pressure or heart palpitations. It's all unnecessary anxiety!
Let it go!
Isn't that a song? Let it go! Let go of all your fears! "There's nothing to fear but fear itself!" Did you know that fear is a lie of the Devil? It's a LIE. It's a phantom! A fabrication of the Devil!
The Devil is real. But, fear is not! Not if you have Jesus! Hang onto Jesus and let go of your fears! Let go of your worries! Is worrying going to help? Will worry prevent that accident from happening?
Put your life in God's hands. He is the Only One Who is capable of running your life. He will make something wonderful out of your life! Fall in love with the Lover of all Lovers! He will take the fear out of your life! He'll take the fear out of your death, too! And, only He can do that because He is the ONLY TRUE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, people! Trust Him!
You know what the funny thing is? And I just thought of this. The thing is that GOD KNOWS WHEN AND HOW WE WILL DIE because TIME DOES NOT EXIST WITH GOD. RIGHT? Think about it! You and I have already died! Wow! Let's DO IT with NO FEAR! Let's put our death in God's hands and have a glorious, testimonial death!
What we will discover is that the very best part of this life is death.
I Corinthians 15:55 "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"
What are we afraid of? Death.
That fear of death is subtle, it's hidden, it's quiet until it becomes loud. It's very, very real. And the enemy of our souls loves to exaggerate it. He even likes to push us towards death by the fear of death.
"Let's get it over with," kind of thing. "Just kill yourself and get it over with. You're going to die anyway, so you may as well end your life now. Why waste any more time on this earth? Nobody loves you. You're not serving any purpose..." and on and on.
If you've never had these thoughts, please excuse me and don't read on if it doesn't apply to you.
Remember as a child how afraid you used to be? I sure was. There were "boogy men" everywhere. Big people were all around. They were in control. We were subservient slaves who had to submit to their will. "Eat your Brussels sprouts or else."
Then, as you got older, you started to realize that the adults were afraid too. They just hid it.
For me, I experienced fear coming from an adult at four years of age, as my mother held me on her lap in the car. We were driving down a very steep incline on the edge of a cliff in sheets of rain and the car's brakes were not functioning at all on the slippery road! Talk about fear! My poor mother was clutching me and literally shivering with fear. It was raw. It was real. And I knew what she was afraid of:
Deny it if you will. Turn your back on it. Hope it goes away. But, death is a part of life just as much as birth. It follows us wherever we go and we never know when it will strike. When others are taken by it, we consider, "How did it happen? How did it feel? How old were they? Oh, a little older than me..."
Is there an escape from the fear of death?
Imagine the best, most amazing, most perfect, marvelous God you can possibly imagine. Come on! Use your imagination to think and picture what the absolute BEST God would be like. Can you? I mean, imagine something "TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE." A personal, merciful, loving God. A God with a sense of humour, able to appreciate a good laugh! A GOD WHO BECAME HUMAN SO HE COULD UNDERSTAND YOUR FEELINGS. I mean, a GREAT GOD!
Really stretch your imagination to the max! Go all out! No holds barred.
I do not even slightly exaggerate. Not at all. My God is THE BEST. He is kind, understanding, sympathetic, attentive, comforting, inspiring, thrilling, exciting, etc., etc. And one of the best things of all is that HE TOOK THE STING OUT OF DEATH.
By accepting Jesus as our Saviour, we conquer the fear of death. By staying close to the Lord, our fears are overcome. We hide ourselves in Him. He is our shield, our fortress, our bubble of protection!
If someone accuses me of using religion as a "crutch", I tell them, "Jesus is my wheel-chair." He protects me from the bullies. He cherishes me. He knows how many hairs are on my head and won't let one of them fall to the ground unless He knows about it. He cares about every detail of my life.
Why wouldn't I want to believe in Him? I'd be a fool not to!
Those who don't have a relationship with God suffer needless fears constantly. They worry, fear and panic all the time. And, most of their fears are unfounded. Most of the things we fear never happen. But, because we know that "some day" we will die, that fear never seems to go away. It just takes other forms. And like stress, it enters into our cell memories and causes distress like muscle pain, disease, high blood pressure or heart palpitations. It's all unnecessary anxiety!
Let it go!
Isn't that a song? Let it go! Let go of all your fears! "There's nothing to fear but fear itself!" Did you know that fear is a lie of the Devil? It's a LIE. It's a phantom! A fabrication of the Devil!
The Devil is real. But, fear is not! Not if you have Jesus! Hang onto Jesus and let go of your fears! Let go of your worries! Is worrying going to help? Will worry prevent that accident from happening?
Put your life in God's hands. He is the Only One Who is capable of running your life. He will make something wonderful out of your life! Fall in love with the Lover of all Lovers! He will take the fear out of your life! He'll take the fear out of your death, too! And, only He can do that because He is the ONLY TRUE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE, people! Trust Him!
You know what the funny thing is? And I just thought of this. The thing is that GOD KNOWS WHEN AND HOW WE WILL DIE because TIME DOES NOT EXIST WITH GOD. RIGHT? Think about it! You and I have already died! Wow! Let's DO IT with NO FEAR! Let's put our death in God's hands and have a glorious, testimonial death!
What we will discover is that the very best part of this life is death.
I Corinthians 15:55 "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"
He that Loves his Life shall Lose it
If we take a look at the example that Jesus set, it may encourage our faith for our own fate. As the time drew near for his arrest, of course He knew what was coming. Here are some things Jesus said as recorded by John in chapter 12:
23 And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.
(I love how Jesus referred to Himself as the "Son of man". It seemed He wanted to drive home the point that He was living in human flesh. He was wearing skin just like ours. He could feel what it was to be human. It was real. It was very down to earth.)
24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
(In order to bear fruit, we must die to ourselves, our own selfish desires and our own wants. 'Tis a glory to die and to bring forth fruit for the kingdom of God!)
25 He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
(This is a bit of a hard saying, because, as Christians, our lives are full of joy. But, at the same time, we are meant to hate this wonderful life. Why? Because the life that is to come is far superior! We know that instinctively in our heart of hearts. Don't we? Can't we feel that spiritually? This life is the sham, the imitation. This life is full of lies, temptations, scams, dead-ends and disappointments. The world to come is the one we look forward to. We will inherit eternal life!)
26 If any man/woman serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.
(Ok, so, the bad news is that we are required to follow Jesus. Tough bid. But, on the other hand, the good news is that He has already gone before us to prepare the way and make it easier on us. We must bear our cross but we will have amazing grace to do so! And for that, we will be honoured. Even though Jesus does the work through us and He puts His Spirit within us to empower us, we will get the honour.)
27 Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.
(Jesus's soul was troubled. The soul is that part of the spirit that is attached to the flesh. He felt that human grief, that agony of soul caused by sin, caused by separation from God. Without God, we are lost. It's a terrible feeling and I believe it's the source of panic. But, Jesus was required to feel that agony for our sakes. He's even wondering, "What shall I say? I can't ask You to save me from this because this is the reason I came to earth." His flesh is really struggling against it though.)
28 Father glorify thy name. (Jesus knew his life was for the glory of God. Our lives are for the same.) Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.
29 The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him.
(To some, it sounded indistinguishable, just a noise. To others, it was a voice with words.)
30 Jesus answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes. (He was used to hearing his Father's voice.)
31 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
(This is interesting. "Now shall the prince of this world (the Devil) be cast out", Jesus said. But, did it happen at that moment in time? It happened. It was done. But the manifestation of the action has not happened yet. We know that because it is prophesied to happen in the near future! Revelation 12:10b says, "the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night."
So, here we understand that the Devil has had the privilege of accusing us before God all these years. If we read the book of Job, we see how he asked permission to smite Job and test him over and over because he was so jealous of Job's relationship with God.
Now, the next verse in Revelation coincides with what Jesus is saying here. It also tells us that we need to die to ourselves.
Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
We are not alone. Jesus is with us every step of the way. We will overcome! All we have to do is keep our eyes on Jesus! He has gone before us and we just need to follow Him.
23 And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.
(I love how Jesus referred to Himself as the "Son of man". It seemed He wanted to drive home the point that He was living in human flesh. He was wearing skin just like ours. He could feel what it was to be human. It was real. It was very down to earth.)
24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
(In order to bear fruit, we must die to ourselves, our own selfish desires and our own wants. 'Tis a glory to die and to bring forth fruit for the kingdom of God!)
25 He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
(This is a bit of a hard saying, because, as Christians, our lives are full of joy. But, at the same time, we are meant to hate this wonderful life. Why? Because the life that is to come is far superior! We know that instinctively in our heart of hearts. Don't we? Can't we feel that spiritually? This life is the sham, the imitation. This life is full of lies, temptations, scams, dead-ends and disappointments. The world to come is the one we look forward to. We will inherit eternal life!)
26 If any man/woman serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.
(Ok, so, the bad news is that we are required to follow Jesus. Tough bid. But, on the other hand, the good news is that He has already gone before us to prepare the way and make it easier on us. We must bear our cross but we will have amazing grace to do so! And for that, we will be honoured. Even though Jesus does the work through us and He puts His Spirit within us to empower us, we will get the honour.)
27 Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.
(Jesus's soul was troubled. The soul is that part of the spirit that is attached to the flesh. He felt that human grief, that agony of soul caused by sin, caused by separation from God. Without God, we are lost. It's a terrible feeling and I believe it's the source of panic. But, Jesus was required to feel that agony for our sakes. He's even wondering, "What shall I say? I can't ask You to save me from this because this is the reason I came to earth." His flesh is really struggling against it though.)
28 Father glorify thy name. (Jesus knew his life was for the glory of God. Our lives are for the same.) Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.
29 The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him.
(To some, it sounded indistinguishable, just a noise. To others, it was a voice with words.)
30 Jesus answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes. (He was used to hearing his Father's voice.)
31 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
(This is interesting. "Now shall the prince of this world (the Devil) be cast out", Jesus said. But, did it happen at that moment in time? It happened. It was done. But the manifestation of the action has not happened yet. We know that because it is prophesied to happen in the near future! Revelation 12:10b says, "the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night."
So, here we understand that the Devil has had the privilege of accusing us before God all these years. If we read the book of Job, we see how he asked permission to smite Job and test him over and over because he was so jealous of Job's relationship with God.
Now, the next verse in Revelation coincides with what Jesus is saying here. It also tells us that we need to die to ourselves.
Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
We are not alone. Jesus is with us every step of the way. We will overcome! All we have to do is keep our eyes on Jesus! He has gone before us and we just need to follow Him.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
The Rape of the West!
The powers that be are covering up what's going on now in Europe with the influx of refugees, over 89% of which are Muslim. Let's call a spade a spade: it's the rape of Europe by Islam.
Is it not? Should we deny it, simply because we don't want to offend? Are the feelings of Muslims more important than the rape of Western women? How is it that the Muslims can get away with being politically incorrect while we Westerners are required to adhere strictly to a standard of "acceptance" so as not to offend the perpetrators of these atrocities? The priority is to protect, excuse and hide the criminals! Why?
Obama says, "That's not who we are." SPEAK FOR YOURSELF, BARRY!
I'm confused. Somebody help me out here. Are we really that dumb and blind? Are we really going to hide our heads in the sand and pretend that it's not happening?
Or like Obama would intimate, "Shame on you, you Americans, being racists and bigoted and judging people by their religious beliefs."
Who cares what their religion is? Unless it's their religion that is the underlying cause of rape, murder, torture and terrorism! Then, one might ask, "Is it just a coincidence that all these crimes are being committed in THE NAME OF ALLAH?"
What's utterly ridiculous is that the so-called "solution" to this problem is that the West change their customs and dress-code to "prevent" the "problem" of the "more criminal" refugees from being forced to rape us! That is seriously what the German Chancellor has advised. Is anyone following this? Because what's going on in Europe right now is what's going to spread worldwide. NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE!
They are telling women in Europe to stay inside their homes or not to go out without a male escort! That, my friends, is MUSLIM LAW. In other words, we are being forced into Islam via sexist radicals who are perpetrating their religion by the sword. History repeats itself.
It stands to reason that the next step is that Western women will be stoned to death for being raped. By the way, rape is not a crime for Islamic men, particularly when they are raping "infidels" or a woman who dares to go out in public uncovered. The victim of the rape is the guilty party. --For being female. And, in most cases, the "punishment" for the male is to be required to marry the female and add her to his harem. No matter how young she is.
I'm not making this stuff up. Although it does seem like a grotesque debauchery of human decency and against all we know to be good and Godly and reasonable, that's exactly what is going on. Even non-violent Muslims deeply believe that Westerners are the infidels and they should be conquered by sex, enslavement, torture, mutilation and beheading. It's all in their so-called holy books and a part of their religion which we Westerners are advised to "respect".
Not only are we told to bite our tongues but we are advised not to eat PORK or to wear Western clothing or even to allow our girls to be seen in public swimming pools!
In one incident at a school swimming pool in Canada, curtains had to be put up to prevent a Muslim girl to be seen by men who were present to watch their children. This meant that the Canadian parents were not able to watch their children in the pool because of this one Muslim child.
This sort of self-righteousness runs very deep within the Muslim culture. Fathers are very protective of their female offspring, but quite willing to stone them to death for rape or infidelity.
The argument you'll find concerning this is: "It's not ALL Muslims, only the RADICAL MUSLIMS." Poppy cock! I think you'll find that the adherents to this religion are in great unity. In fact, from my experience, every Muslim I've ever met has the exact same set of beliefs across the board, even in their factions, which is more than I can say for Christianity. There may be variables between Sunnis and Shias or Shiites, but, not concerning "infidels". A Christian or Jew or any non-believer (of Islam) is considered an infidel, which, strange as it may seem, originated from the word used in the Holy Bible for those who were dedicated to the devil, NOT to Christ.
Muslims also use the word "convert" to mean something entirely different than the original meaning of the word which means, "to turn" to the one True God and turn away from evil.
There is a polarization going on. That's really, the good news! The Light is getting brighter while the darkness gets darker and even more outlandish. Now's the time to raise our standards, declare our faith in the face of the enemy and shout out our defiance of the Devil and his dastardly demons!
It's time to attack! It's time to take the initiative, winning more and more to Christ, even right on the Devil's territory! Already we are seeing miracles of Muslims coming to Christ and it's heart-warming! Think of all the lives we can save by winning one radical Muslim to Jesus!
Remember, those people who are Muslim were BORN into their faith without choice. They were programmed from birth to believe what they think they believe and actually forced to believe it or lose their lives. Think of it! If they dare to change their religion, they do so at the peril of their lives!
I personally know a Pakistani man who came to Jesus while he was in Malaysia. You'd think he'd be safe in Malaysia, but, as soon as he came to the Lord, Muslims from Pakistan showed up on his door-step threatening to kill him. Then they presented him with divorce papers, informing him that he could no longer be married to his Muslim wife.
This man is still alive, praise God! God is protecting him. Still, it takes a lot of courage to break free from the prison of Islam!
JESUS WILL SET THEM FREE! If you are Muslim, Jesus will set you free and protect and keep you right up until He calls you home again! Not only will you escape the bondage and misery of Islam, but you will have eternal joy and get to live FOREVER with Jesus in the Kingdom of God!
Jesus died to save YOU and ME!
You may wonder, "How could a man's death have anything to do with me?"
Great question! I asked that question and lots more, like, "Why would a God DO that?"
The fact is this: Jesus was not JUST a man! He was being empowered by the Spirit of the Living God when He allowed His human form to be crucified! His body became the sacrifice for our sins. He did it all for us! All we have to do is to RECEIVE IT! THAT'S ALL! Just take Jesus!
Is it not? Should we deny it, simply because we don't want to offend? Are the feelings of Muslims more important than the rape of Western women? How is it that the Muslims can get away with being politically incorrect while we Westerners are required to adhere strictly to a standard of "acceptance" so as not to offend the perpetrators of these atrocities? The priority is to protect, excuse and hide the criminals! Why?
Obama says, "That's not who we are." SPEAK FOR YOURSELF, BARRY!
I'm confused. Somebody help me out here. Are we really that dumb and blind? Are we really going to hide our heads in the sand and pretend that it's not happening?
Or like Obama would intimate, "Shame on you, you Americans, being racists and bigoted and judging people by their religious beliefs."
Who cares what their religion is? Unless it's their religion that is the underlying cause of rape, murder, torture and terrorism! Then, one might ask, "Is it just a coincidence that all these crimes are being committed in THE NAME OF ALLAH?"
What's utterly ridiculous is that the so-called "solution" to this problem is that the West change their customs and dress-code to "prevent" the "problem" of the "more criminal" refugees from being forced to rape us! That is seriously what the German Chancellor has advised. Is anyone following this? Because what's going on in Europe right now is what's going to spread worldwide. NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE!
They are telling women in Europe to stay inside their homes or not to go out without a male escort! That, my friends, is MUSLIM LAW. In other words, we are being forced into Islam via sexist radicals who are perpetrating their religion by the sword. History repeats itself.
It stands to reason that the next step is that Western women will be stoned to death for being raped. By the way, rape is not a crime for Islamic men, particularly when they are raping "infidels" or a woman who dares to go out in public uncovered. The victim of the rape is the guilty party. --For being female. And, in most cases, the "punishment" for the male is to be required to marry the female and add her to his harem. No matter how young she is.
I'm not making this stuff up. Although it does seem like a grotesque debauchery of human decency and against all we know to be good and Godly and reasonable, that's exactly what is going on. Even non-violent Muslims deeply believe that Westerners are the infidels and they should be conquered by sex, enslavement, torture, mutilation and beheading. It's all in their so-called holy books and a part of their religion which we Westerners are advised to "respect".
Not only are we told to bite our tongues but we are advised not to eat PORK or to wear Western clothing or even to allow our girls to be seen in public swimming pools!
In one incident at a school swimming pool in Canada, curtains had to be put up to prevent a Muslim girl to be seen by men who were present to watch their children. This meant that the Canadian parents were not able to watch their children in the pool because of this one Muslim child.
This sort of self-righteousness runs very deep within the Muslim culture. Fathers are very protective of their female offspring, but quite willing to stone them to death for rape or infidelity.
The argument you'll find concerning this is: "It's not ALL Muslims, only the RADICAL MUSLIMS." Poppy cock! I think you'll find that the adherents to this religion are in great unity. In fact, from my experience, every Muslim I've ever met has the exact same set of beliefs across the board, even in their factions, which is more than I can say for Christianity. There may be variables between Sunnis and Shias or Shiites, but, not concerning "infidels". A Christian or Jew or any non-believer (of Islam) is considered an infidel, which, strange as it may seem, originated from the word used in the Holy Bible for those who were dedicated to the devil, NOT to Christ.
Muslims also use the word "convert" to mean something entirely different than the original meaning of the word which means, "to turn" to the one True God and turn away from evil.
There is a polarization going on. That's really, the good news! The Light is getting brighter while the darkness gets darker and even more outlandish. Now's the time to raise our standards, declare our faith in the face of the enemy and shout out our defiance of the Devil and his dastardly demons!
It's time to attack! It's time to take the initiative, winning more and more to Christ, even right on the Devil's territory! Already we are seeing miracles of Muslims coming to Christ and it's heart-warming! Think of all the lives we can save by winning one radical Muslim to Jesus!
Remember, those people who are Muslim were BORN into their faith without choice. They were programmed from birth to believe what they think they believe and actually forced to believe it or lose their lives. Think of it! If they dare to change their religion, they do so at the peril of their lives!
I personally know a Pakistani man who came to Jesus while he was in Malaysia. You'd think he'd be safe in Malaysia, but, as soon as he came to the Lord, Muslims from Pakistan showed up on his door-step threatening to kill him. Then they presented him with divorce papers, informing him that he could no longer be married to his Muslim wife.
This man is still alive, praise God! God is protecting him. Still, it takes a lot of courage to break free from the prison of Islam!
JESUS WILL SET THEM FREE! If you are Muslim, Jesus will set you free and protect and keep you right up until He calls you home again! Not only will you escape the bondage and misery of Islam, but you will have eternal joy and get to live FOREVER with Jesus in the Kingdom of God!
Jesus died to save YOU and ME!
You may wonder, "How could a man's death have anything to do with me?"
Great question! I asked that question and lots more, like, "Why would a God DO that?"
The fact is this: Jesus was not JUST a man! He was being empowered by the Spirit of the Living God when He allowed His human form to be crucified! His body became the sacrifice for our sins. He did it all for us! All we have to do is to RECEIVE IT! THAT'S ALL! Just take Jesus!
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Discouragement can Cause Depression
Discouragement is not of God. God does not discourage. The Lord is constantly trying to encourage us and build up our faith. He wants us to be strong soldiers, armed with His Word, moving forward, not wimpy, half-hearted, broken down and bummed out weaklings.
When we hear accusations, discouraging thoughts, critical messages, these are NOT the voice of God! This is the voice of Satan or Satan's minions. These voices must be resisted and REBUKED in the name of Jesus Christ!
So, when we hear these voices, even if we think they may even be our own thoughts, we need to say, "I rebuke you, Satan, in Jesus's name! Get behind me! Leave NOW!"
I find myself saying this several times a day. Even after years of battling with the enemy, I still continue to hear Satan's voice loud and clear at times and sometimes several times a day. There were months when his voice was constant and overpowering, but I learned how to tune him out, take authority over him and make him obey!
It's not always easy to put a stop to those condemning words and discouraging thoughts. Sometimes the barrage of negative thoughts can even bring on depression that may last for days! Ask me how I know! This is a very real battle going on in the battle field of our minds, folks. The Devil wants to discourage us (literally take away our courage) belittle us, wear us down, bring us down, pull us down all the way to his level. If he can accomplish that, he's happy. (Not that the Devil knows how to be happy in the true sense of the word.) But, if he can get us depressed, he has accomplished destroying our ability to be in touch with Jesus. He wants to cut off our connection with the Lord. That's his goal.
Our goal should be the opposite: to keep the connection strong. We need to encourage ourselves in the Lord like King David did. Read the Psalms! That's a boost. Do whatever needs to be done to encourage yourself in the Lord! Sing! Praise the Lord! Be positive! Satan hates that positive energy! He FLEES at the sound of praise to God. He cannot stand in the presence of God and when we praise the Lord, the Spirit of God comes "down" to listen! So, the Devil must go. He hides his face, shuts his mouth and leaves.
So, whatever you do, DON'T GET DISCOURAGED! Don't allow the Devil or Satan or his little demons to discourage you. Don't listen to his lies! (Ephesians 4:27 Neither give place to the devil.) Don't believe him! He's a liar! And he'll try to make you think it's the voice of God that you're hearing, but God does not discourage, or accuse, or criticize us! NEVER.
The voice of our Lord is uplifting, happy, funny, encouraging, thrilling, loving, gentle, kind and even amusing. God has a great sense of humor and loves to makes us laugh. It's true!
When we hear accusations, discouraging thoughts, critical messages, these are NOT the voice of God! This is the voice of Satan or Satan's minions. These voices must be resisted and REBUKED in the name of Jesus Christ!
So, when we hear these voices, even if we think they may even be our own thoughts, we need to say, "I rebuke you, Satan, in Jesus's name! Get behind me! Leave NOW!"
I find myself saying this several times a day. Even after years of battling with the enemy, I still continue to hear Satan's voice loud and clear at times and sometimes several times a day. There were months when his voice was constant and overpowering, but I learned how to tune him out, take authority over him and make him obey!
It's not always easy to put a stop to those condemning words and discouraging thoughts. Sometimes the barrage of negative thoughts can even bring on depression that may last for days! Ask me how I know! This is a very real battle going on in the battle field of our minds, folks. The Devil wants to discourage us (literally take away our courage) belittle us, wear us down, bring us down, pull us down all the way to his level. If he can accomplish that, he's happy. (Not that the Devil knows how to be happy in the true sense of the word.) But, if he can get us depressed, he has accomplished destroying our ability to be in touch with Jesus. He wants to cut off our connection with the Lord. That's his goal.
Our goal should be the opposite: to keep the connection strong. We need to encourage ourselves in the Lord like King David did. Read the Psalms! That's a boost. Do whatever needs to be done to encourage yourself in the Lord! Sing! Praise the Lord! Be positive! Satan hates that positive energy! He FLEES at the sound of praise to God. He cannot stand in the presence of God and when we praise the Lord, the Spirit of God comes "down" to listen! So, the Devil must go. He hides his face, shuts his mouth and leaves.
So, whatever you do, DON'T GET DISCOURAGED! Don't allow the Devil or Satan or his little demons to discourage you. Don't listen to his lies! (Ephesians 4:27 Neither give place to the devil.) Don't believe him! He's a liar! And he'll try to make you think it's the voice of God that you're hearing, but God does not discourage, or accuse, or criticize us! NEVER.
The voice of our Lord is uplifting, happy, funny, encouraging, thrilling, loving, gentle, kind and even amusing. God has a great sense of humor and loves to makes us laugh. It's true!
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Babes in Christ
The Bible refers to newly born-again Christian believers as "babes". It really is a good analogy because, when someone receives the Lord and is born again spiritually, they are facing a brand new life with very little knowledge or understanding of what this new life is all about.
Having received Jesus, they are still getting to know Him, learning to hear His voice and learning to trust Him. They may have hang-overs from the past such as thinking that God is an angry, judgmental Dictator who frowns down on us whenever we make a mistake or say the wrong thing. As a new babe in Christ, the believer may feel very intimidated by all the new stuff and become confused.
Of course, the Devil is going to take advantage of the newbie too, but God also pours out His anointing on new believers and often, they seem to have extraordinary faith. And even wisdom.
I remember myself when I first received the gift of tongues. It happened while I was in bed in a dorm with a couple of other sisters who were sleeping. I burst out in tongues and prophecy in the middle of the night!
Well, rather than being happy for me and getting as excited as I was, an older sister chastised me for it and told me that "the spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet"... in other words, my timing was off. As a new babe, I sort of overreacted, thinking that the Devil had gotten in and used me, but, eventually, I was able to forgive myself and start over.
So, it's wonderful when a new babe receives spiritual gifts from the Lord. And, if you are a new Christian, don't be slow in asking Jesus to give you the gifts He wants you to have. Get as many gifts of the Spirit as you can to edify yourself and the body of Christ. "A man's gifts make room for him."
One of the gifts we should all ask for is discernment. And, of course, we are told to ask for wisdom.
James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
When we receive the Holy Spirit, or the Holy Ghost, we are anointed by God to witness or, in other words, share our faith. It's very simple. If we believe that Jesus is the answer for us, He's the answer for everyone. If we are happy with the "Best Product in the World", we will want everyone to get it. Right? And the Holy Spirit helps us to share the truth with others.
In actual fact, it's not an option for Christians to share the Gospel (Good News). So, we don't need to "wait" for God to call us or for a dream or vision or prophecy, because it's clearly written in God's Word and the command has been already put forth by Jesus Himself. So, it's not a question.
The only question is, "How much do I desire to be used of God to help others to find Jesus?"
As a kid, I was shy, a bit introverted and not a big talker. My mom did all the talking at our house and I didn't have the desire to compete with her in that arena, so I was quiet. Even as a new Christian, speaking didn't come naturally. But, when I got filled with the Holy Spirit, I suddenly had something to talk about and the boldness necessary to speak out. (Although, I admit, I could have used a lot more wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge used in love.)
It takes time to learn about the breadth, depth and height of our amazing God. It's not always easy to know where to look in the Word of God to find the answers to a particular situation or problem you are facing as a new believer, so it helps to get into fellowship with believers who are stronger in the faith and who have the fruits of the Spirit.
I suggest to stay away from dry, worn out, doubtful, complaining Christians who have more-or-less put God on the shelf and made excuses why they don't exercise their faith. There are lots of them around and I used to be one not too long ago. I let my faith almost dry up. But, it's amazing what a little bit of reading God's Word can do to bring a desert-like faith back to life and fruitfulness.
Still, I highly recommend that a new believer finds on-fire, Spirit-filled people to fellowship with, people who really love the Lord and want to please Him and those who put their faith into action. Stay away from cynical, critical people or people who mock you. These sort of folks will drag you down and drain you. Remember, Satan uses people. He'll even use your best friend to get you discouraged and condemned.
Keep your eyes on Jesus. He's the only One we can trust completely. We can't even trust ourselves. That's the problem with the world, they are trying so hard to do it themselves but they are doomed to failure because only God knows what to do and how to do it. Any plan will fail without the right motivations.
"The world passes away and the lust thereof, but he that does the will of God abides forever."
As I have suggested in past posts, the book of John is a great place to start reading God's Word. John chapter 10 talks about our relationship with Jesus, the Good Shepherd and John 15 does, too. John 14 talks about our heavenly home and God's plan. It's a simple, yet powerful book, as are all of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These four books are the account of Jesus's life on earth. Some Bibles have the words of Jesus printed in red, and those words are supernatural. Enjoy!
Having received Jesus, they are still getting to know Him, learning to hear His voice and learning to trust Him. They may have hang-overs from the past such as thinking that God is an angry, judgmental Dictator who frowns down on us whenever we make a mistake or say the wrong thing. As a new babe in Christ, the believer may feel very intimidated by all the new stuff and become confused.
Of course, the Devil is going to take advantage of the newbie too, but God also pours out His anointing on new believers and often, they seem to have extraordinary faith. And even wisdom.
I remember myself when I first received the gift of tongues. It happened while I was in bed in a dorm with a couple of other sisters who were sleeping. I burst out in tongues and prophecy in the middle of the night!
Well, rather than being happy for me and getting as excited as I was, an older sister chastised me for it and told me that "the spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet"... in other words, my timing was off. As a new babe, I sort of overreacted, thinking that the Devil had gotten in and used me, but, eventually, I was able to forgive myself and start over.
So, it's wonderful when a new babe receives spiritual gifts from the Lord. And, if you are a new Christian, don't be slow in asking Jesus to give you the gifts He wants you to have. Get as many gifts of the Spirit as you can to edify yourself and the body of Christ. "A man's gifts make room for him."
One of the gifts we should all ask for is discernment. And, of course, we are told to ask for wisdom.
James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
When we receive the Holy Spirit, or the Holy Ghost, we are anointed by God to witness or, in other words, share our faith. It's very simple. If we believe that Jesus is the answer for us, He's the answer for everyone. If we are happy with the "Best Product in the World", we will want everyone to get it. Right? And the Holy Spirit helps us to share the truth with others.
In actual fact, it's not an option for Christians to share the Gospel (Good News). So, we don't need to "wait" for God to call us or for a dream or vision or prophecy, because it's clearly written in God's Word and the command has been already put forth by Jesus Himself. So, it's not a question.
The only question is, "How much do I desire to be used of God to help others to find Jesus?"
As a kid, I was shy, a bit introverted and not a big talker. My mom did all the talking at our house and I didn't have the desire to compete with her in that arena, so I was quiet. Even as a new Christian, speaking didn't come naturally. But, when I got filled with the Holy Spirit, I suddenly had something to talk about and the boldness necessary to speak out. (Although, I admit, I could have used a lot more wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge used in love.)
It takes time to learn about the breadth, depth and height of our amazing God. It's not always easy to know where to look in the Word of God to find the answers to a particular situation or problem you are facing as a new believer, so it helps to get into fellowship with believers who are stronger in the faith and who have the fruits of the Spirit.
I suggest to stay away from dry, worn out, doubtful, complaining Christians who have more-or-less put God on the shelf and made excuses why they don't exercise their faith. There are lots of them around and I used to be one not too long ago. I let my faith almost dry up. But, it's amazing what a little bit of reading God's Word can do to bring a desert-like faith back to life and fruitfulness.
Still, I highly recommend that a new believer finds on-fire, Spirit-filled people to fellowship with, people who really love the Lord and want to please Him and those who put their faith into action. Stay away from cynical, critical people or people who mock you. These sort of folks will drag you down and drain you. Remember, Satan uses people. He'll even use your best friend to get you discouraged and condemned.
Keep your eyes on Jesus. He's the only One we can trust completely. We can't even trust ourselves. That's the problem with the world, they are trying so hard to do it themselves but they are doomed to failure because only God knows what to do and how to do it. Any plan will fail without the right motivations.
"The world passes away and the lust thereof, but he that does the will of God abides forever."
As I have suggested in past posts, the book of John is a great place to start reading God's Word. John chapter 10 talks about our relationship with Jesus, the Good Shepherd and John 15 does, too. John 14 talks about our heavenly home and God's plan. It's a simple, yet powerful book, as are all of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These four books are the account of Jesus's life on earth. Some Bibles have the words of Jesus printed in red, and those words are supernatural. Enjoy!
Friday, January 1, 2016
What will 2016 hold? To get some kind of idea what may be in store for us, maybe we could take a quick look at what happened last year! It was phenomenal. And, really, that's putting it mildly. It was outstanding. It was shocking.
Shocking is not too strong of a word to use for 2015, when we consider what happened in the past 12 months:
I don't think that by turning the page of the calendar that things are going to get any better. Things are going to continue to escalate. Our freedoms will continue to be taken away. The darkness will continue to deepen.
But, what we're seeing now is that Christians are stepping into their anointing! They are getting filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, receiving gifts of the spirit and seeing the power of God manifesting. We're also seeing Jews and Muslims turning to Christ and receiving Him as their Messiah. True believers are becoming more active and we're starting to see all those seeds that we've been planting start to grow to fruition. The Word will not return void but it will prosper where we sent it. There are mighty harvests of souls being reaped!
The light shines brighter in the darkness and those who will receive it are running to the Light to be saved. So, it's a glorious time to be alive. It's a tough time, we can't deny that. But, His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
"Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven!"
Shocking is not too strong of a word to use for 2015, when we consider what happened in the past 12 months:
- 823 mass animal deaths - We're talking here about animals, fish and birds dying in flocks, schools and herds by the thousands for no apparent reason. The only explanation is in Hosea 4:3 "Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away."
- 103 significant earthquakes - In April, an 8.1 quake in Nepal killed 9,000 people.
- An uptick of plagues - a new flesh-eating disease, Legionnaires Disease, even the Bubonic Plague returned.
- Record-breaking typhoons, hurricanes, cyclones, hail in the Saudi Desert and a "Goliath" snow storm that hit worldwide
- Blood Moons and water turning to blood
- ISIS began a Caliphate soon after the death of King Abdulah of Arabia.
- Christian Geonocide by ISIS, Boko Haram, the Muslim Brotherhood, North Korea, etc.
- Christian Persecution - persecution of Christians continued in India, Asia, North Korea Africa, Syria, Iran, etc. with 11 Christians arrested Christmas Day in Iran for celebrating Christmas.
- False Prophet rising - Pope Francis; among other things the Pope said that the Quran is "equal to the Bible" and that Jesus Christ is "equal to Allah"
- A Great Christian Revival in Africa - The Spirit of the Lord is igniting Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Mozambique, Uganda. Persecution is also continuing throughout these countries.
- Distress of Nations - Greece suffered an economic disaster
- The Rise of Russia - Putin stepped up to the plate, taking military action in Syria and confronting Turkey for its support of ISIS.
- Pope Francis and President Obama made steps towards the New World Order with their "Global Sustainable Development Report". (This includes the depopulation of the world!)
I don't think that by turning the page of the calendar that things are going to get any better. Things are going to continue to escalate. Our freedoms will continue to be taken away. The darkness will continue to deepen.
But, what we're seeing now is that Christians are stepping into their anointing! They are getting filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, receiving gifts of the spirit and seeing the power of God manifesting. We're also seeing Jews and Muslims turning to Christ and receiving Him as their Messiah. True believers are becoming more active and we're starting to see all those seeds that we've been planting start to grow to fruition. The Word will not return void but it will prosper where we sent it. There are mighty harvests of souls being reaped!
The light shines brighter in the darkness and those who will receive it are running to the Light to be saved. So, it's a glorious time to be alive. It's a tough time, we can't deny that. But, His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
"Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven!"
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