Thursday, February 23, 2017


Just looking at this marvel of a creation makes my mouth water. I had one today. I confess. --Along with just the best-tasting cup of coffee and, guess what--- the cruller was FREE. (No, this is not a Tim Horton's advertisement.)

As I was taking my first bite of this delicious treat, the thought occurred to me that there was more. That melt-in-my-mouth feeling was going to happen again! Yes!

I still had 3/4 of a donut left to go. Bite by bite, the soft, ridges sat on my tongue and sip-by-sip, the coffee warmed my insides like a mother's love for her child.

It tasted too good to feel guilty about. My body would just have to figure out a way to assimilate it.

But, what if I had taken one bite and stopped? What if I had left the rest of that cruller sitting on the table and walked away? What if I had forced myself to stop eating it?

I would still remember the exquisite experience of having that cruller in my mouth and there would be some still in my stomach to remind me of what I could have had. It's almost unthinkable that someone would have that much willpower to refuse to continue eating the rest of such a tasty treat, isn't it?

Yet, that's how some people treat the Word of God. They take one little nibble and it just throws them into ecstasy. Then, they stop. It's not that they're full. They still have the 3/4 of the treat left. They could still take another bite and enjoy it as much as the first one.

So, why do they quit?

Too many calories?

It seems almost inhumanly self-willed to stop tasting the mouth-watering delicacies of the Word. I just don't understand how anyone could quit until they at least finish off the chapter they started. Finish off the whole book. Go on to the next. Why not?

It just tastes SO GOOD.

Sure, it's a new flavor that maybe they're not used to, but one does develop a taste for this new food. Maybe they're afraid of indigestion, heart-burn or diarrhea. Maybe it just costs too much.

The Word of God will change you. Once you taste and see for yourself that the Lord is good and His Word is the Truth, it's impossible to go back. You'll be a prisoner of Love forever. And nothing else will ever fully satisfy you.

It's the Divine Addiction. Bet you can't just try a bite.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Don't Let Your Head Talk You Out of Faith

I read an article posted on facebook by a lady who announced that she has chosen not to be a Christian.

That in itself is interesting because, if she had been a Muslim, she would never have made such an announcement to the world or "someone" would have found her and killed her. (I think the punishment for "denouncing your faith" in Islam is beheading by the sword, if I'm not mistaken.)

Nevertheless, this young woman had constructed an entire list of all the reasons she had for denouncing Christianity. I'm wondering why anyone would go to so much trouble to convince herself and others that Christianity is a false religion. Is it because Christianity failed you? Or, did Jesus fail you?

If Christianity (as in church worship/other believers) failed you, let me be the first to tell you: Christians are NOT perfect. There are umpteen varied doctrines and interpretations of the Bible going around, too, which doesn't make it easy to find a nitch to fit into.

There's the 7th Day Adventists, the Catholics, the Protestants, the Baptists, the Mormons, on and on. Each "church" has its strengths and insists on certain priorities of their faith. So, what to do?

Here's a suggestion: read about how the early church did it and then try to find a church that emulates them.

Unfortunately, that won't be easy. For one thing, the early church was made up of dedicated followers of Christ who forsook all their worldly possessions and went out by faith to spread the gospel. They had miracles, signs and wonders following them and their preaching was full of the power of God.

If you do find a group (church) of believers who are sold-out and on-fire for the Lord and want to carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth, you'll find true Christianity.

But, it still won't be perfect. There will be disagreements, arguments, mistakes, failures and all kinds of human frailties. That's why you really can't put your faith or your reason for believing in Christianity in the followers of Christ. We are not perfect. That's the raw truth of the matter.

You aren't perfect either, are you? So, can you honestly expect perfection from Christians?

I'll tell you where you can find perfection, though. In Christ. Christ alone has the answers you seek. Jesus Christ alone is what Christianity (in the true sense of the word) is all about. It's not about the laws or traditions of men. It's not about methodology or doctrines.

We live in the Age of Faith. "Without faith it is impossible to please God."

Find your faith. You won't find that in yourself or other Christians, either. Your faith is a gift from God and the way to get that gift is by reading His Word and receiving it into your heart.

Man will fail you. Woman will fail you. Denominations and churches will definitely fail you. You can't keep your eyes on human beings as the source of your faith or lack thereof.

Keep your eyes on Jesus. He's the Only One Who will get you where you want to go! Straight into those pearly gates and on through eternity. His love never fails. And, for some unknown, inexplicable reason, he loves YOU.

Friday, February 10, 2017

What If Jesus had Been Aborted?

"Not to brag or anything, but I have survived three ends of the world."

Ok, that's a joke that I stole from Bill Johnson.

Lately, I've been thinking about abortion.

You would think that abortion is something that came about in the last 50 years or so. But, when you read the Bible, you discover that the Devil or Satan has always hated babies. He has been in the business of slaughtering the innocents since the beginning.

In fact, Moses nearly became a statistic when he was a little newborn in Egypt.

After Joseph had set up his family in the land of Goshen, the children of Israel began to multiply like rabbits to the point that it started to seem like a threat to the new king of Egypt who didn't know Joseph. (In hindsight, it may have been a good idea for the Pharaoh of Joseph's day to pass on a little information about Joseph to the successor of his throne. But, it seems he didn't.)

So, the offspring of Israel continued to multiply and fill the land of Egypt. The new king or Pharaoh brought them into bondage and put them to work building his treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses. Their lives became "bitter" with hard bondage and yet, they continued to thrive and multiply. So, the king instructed the midwives to kill the Hebrew baby boys as soon as they were born.

(Would you call that a "post birth abortion"?)

The midwives secretly refused to obey the ordinance. They told the Pharaoh that the Hebrew women delivered their babies before the midwives arrived to deliver them. (The midwives sure weren't going to murder the babies in front of their mothers, were they?)

Pharaoh took another route. He instructed his people to drown the baby boys in the river. (He allowed the baby girls to live.) This was the form of birth control that Pharaoh used to try to lower the population of the Israelites in Egypt.

How did Moses manage to survive?

Moses had a tricky mom who was determined to keep her son alive, even if it meant allowing her enemy to adopt him. She kept her baby hidden for three months. Then, she came up with the idea of making a little boat for him.

Perhaps Moses's mother knew that Pharaoh's daughter came to the same place at the river to wash herself every day, we don't know. Maybe it was a miracle that the very daughter of Pharaoh took Moses as her son to raise him in the court as a prince.

Jesus Survives the Same Threat as Moses

When Jesus was born in the little town of Bethlehem, wise men came from the east, following a star. They entered into Jerusalem where they inquired among the people where the "King of the Jews" was. Of course, this was very upsetting to everyone, that a king had been born. Herod the king was especially upset about it, feeling his place was being threatened.

He commanded a slaughter of the innocents from the age of two years and under. There was a great mourning of all the children of Israel in Bethlehem and the surrounding area. Yet, Jesus escaped.

Matthew 2:13-18 "And when they (the wise men) were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. 

When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt; 

And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son.

Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men.

Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, 

In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not."

Where did Jesus and his parents escape to? EGYPT. --How ironic is that?

From the beginning of his life, Jesus's life was threatened. As a fetus in the womb, he would have died along with his mother, had she been stoned to death according to the law. 

Reading through the book of Exodus, one can't help noticing so many similarities between Moses and Jesus. For example, Moses spent 40 days and nights on Mount Sinai with God. For those 40 days, he fasted and drank no water.

Exodus 34:28 "And he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; he did neither eat bread, nor drink water."

I think it's not possible, under normal conditions to survive for 40 days without water.

God led Jesus into the wilderness where He fasted 40 days and nights.

Matthew 4:1, 2 "Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He was afterward an hungred."

In Moses's case, after those 40 days, his face shone so gloriously that it scared his people. They couldn't look at his face because the glory of God was upon it. So, Moses had to cover his face.

In Jesus's case, He defeated the Devil with the Word of God and began His ministry, shining the light.

Matthew 4:16 "The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up."

Here are two examples of men who changed the course of history, the course of nations. They influenced major decisions of God. Well, what can I say about Jesus that you don't already know? He SAVED ALL OF US WHO BELIEVE IN HIS NAME.

Both of these men were marked for DEATH at their births. 


Getting born alive and well into this world today takes no less than a miracle of God. If that baby is not the victim of birth control pills or the "day after" pill and manages to be planted in a healthy womb, it will probably be faced with the threat of abortion, which its mother feels is her right.

The birth of a baby, which used to be a reason for rejoicing, is now considered "unconstitutional" by many. Why? Because, the baby's mother was not allowed the freedom to do as she pleased with her body.

On His way to His crucifixion, Jesus told the women who bewailed him,

"Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for Me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. For, behold, the days are coming, in the which they shall say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never bare, and the paps which never gave suck." (Luke 23:28 and 29).

 Unfortunately, Jesus's prophecy has come to pass. It's actually one of the signs of the times of the end that Jesus warned us about.

One more word about abortion: I want to say this to any of you who are considering having an abortion, "For your own sake and the sake of your future sanity, 'Don't do it.' You cannot commit murder inside of your body without suffering for it in your heart and spirit forever."

Give that unborn child the same chance your mamma gave you. He/she may be part of the solution.