Saturday, February 20, 2016


I try not to take it personally when people reject Jesus or when they say He was only a prophet. But, it's hard not to get offended when the One you love and the One who has done so much for you is rejected by others or ignored or put down.

It's a two-fold reaction. I feel so very sad that they are missing out on the Best Thing ever. But I also see that people like that will end up being the cause of harm to others. It stands to reason. That's because humans have no goodness of their own. The only good thing in us is God.

So, it's like this: It's like I'm at a big party where everyone is eating, drinking, conversing and having fun. I have a tray with a bottle of wine on it and I'm offering glasses of this wine to everyone. This is THE BEST WINE EVER. Maybe the label says: BEST EVER. And I'm offering this wine to everyone because I know if they will just take a little taste, they will see! They'll see how AWESOME this WINE is!

Not only does this wine give you a lasting high and joy like you've never had before but it also cleanses your system from all kinds of toxins. It even balances your pH. It does so much for the body because it's pure and healthy and natural. But, it also has a component that allows one to enter the fifth dimension! It has REAL MAGIC of the MIRACLES of God!

The more of this wine you drink, the better! One can't get too much! It doesn't harm the body but it stimulates brain cells in a new way. It opens doors that we never knew existed. It SETS US FREE! And when I say free, I'm not talking about the kind of "freedom" we think we get from smoking dope or doing drugs. It's a true freedom of spirit!

Drinking this wine is guaranteed to change everything! It will change your life. It will strengthen your faith. It will lead and guide you into higher and higher paths of correct living that will bring forth good fruit in your life and the lives of all those around you. It will give you purpose, fulfillment and eternal bliss.

So, why do the party-goers turn away when I offer them this wine?

Could it be that their appetites have become perverted? Could it be that they have been programmed against the wine? Or, are they afraid of it?

I'm almost begging them to try a sip. But, they continue looking for something better, something less "natural". And, in a way, it's understandable.

One sip of this wine can cost your life. You will want this wine so badly that you will be willing to give up everything to get it. Once you've tried it, you will need it. It's not like other wines that are here today and gone tomorrow. This wine is VITAL. It must be drunk DAILY.

If you saw that movie, "Limitless", that movie really got the point across but on a cerebral level. Just imagine if you could utilize ALL of your SPIRIT in the same way that the drug in "Limitless" enabled the users to access ALL of their BRAIN.

Only MY wine has NO bad after-effects whatsoever. In fact, EVERYTHING that happens to those who drink this wine will work together for their benefit! Even the things that seem bad will turn to their good if they ONLY DRINK THIS WINE.

I get it, though. It's not easy to try new things. People want to do the research. It could take years before they're ready to step out and try something like this. It's mysterious. It's notorious. It may even be embarrassing for them if anyone finds out they have been drinking it.

So, who cares? Who cares what others think? Is that what's important in life?

DRINK IT! TRY IT! You'll love it! Get DRUNK on JESUS! Get high on the Holy Ghost! Get corked, bombed, stoned and smashed on GOD so that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks!

Trust me, I have been drinking this 100% proof pure, organic spiritual wine for DECADES and I wholly recommend it. It's pure enough for a little child. There's nothing better in this whole wide world.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What to do When World War 3 Starts!

I sure know what I'm going to do: GET IN THE WORD AND PRAY.

If you are accustomed to getting down on your prayer bones, if you are already in the habit of praying and reading God's Word, you will see WW III as being fulfilled prophecy, part of God's plan and you'll want to know where you fit in in this plan.

Now, you might be thinking, "God's plan? It's God's plan to blow us all up?"

From God's perspective, I'd put it this way, He knows the beginning from the end. Remember when it said that "Jesus knew what was in man". Nothing is a surprise to God. He never expected life on this planet to turn out well after Lucifer fell from grace. And yet, the Bible tells us that,

"All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."

By loving God, we are called to a PURPOSE.

I, for one,  have been studying Bible prophecy for 43 years. Back in 1972, I was handing out tracts and papers to warn people that "the end is near" type of thing. Over the years, it became a by-word that the "Jesus Freaks" were prophets of gloom and doom. And, I guess we were! We saw it coming. In fact, we were looking forward to it because we knew that the "good stuff" comes right after all the "bad stuff".

Like a woman in birthing labour, the world right now is travailing. Jesus said in Matthew 24:6-8, "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers (many different or unusual) places. All these are the beginning of sorrows."

The Tribulation has NOT started yet! But, perhaps we are now seeing the "beginning of sorrows". There is much concern that this World War will go nuclear. They say that's the only way to defeat the massive army that Saudi is sending into Syria. And Russia is well-armed with nuclear missiles, unfortunately.

Still, we must believe that GOD IS IN CONTROL. Man merely believes himself to be in control. But, when it comes right down to the crunch, God is able to prevent a nuclear war from getting started. Even if Putin and Obama behave with a total lack of common sense, reason and decency for mankind, GOD IS ABLE. He can strike His enemy blind. His angels can cause mechanisms to fail without explanation. GOD IS ABLE. And, our lives are in God's hands. Not the Devil's.

Will "bad things" happen to the enemies of God? (There are those who hate God and hate God's people, who call God's children infidels and punish with death any who are guilty of blaspheming their "god".) And, "Yes! Bad things must happen to these people because, in the end, when they have destroyed Jerusalem, raped and pillaged the Holy City and taken over the world, God will be the Only One able to STOP them in the Battle of Armageddon.


"When King Jesus comes to live with us again, He will show His righteous love to every man. War and strife will all be passed. There'll be peace on earth at last! When King Jesus comes to live with us again!" I love that song.

WE ARE THE APPLE OF HIS EYE! So, wherever we go, God goes with us, even if it's right into the fiery furnace like Shaddrach, Meshach and Abednego of ancient times who came out without even the smell of smoke on them. And man, were they HIGH on the Holy Ghost after DANCING IN THE FLAMES WITH JESUS! OOOOOOWEE!

Ok, now one might be thinking, "You'd have to be crazy to look forward with any type of joy to World War 3!"

Well, I'm not happy about it. To be honest, I hate the idea of anyone laying a finger on anyone else to cause bodily harm. I don't like to even see kids insult each other at my school. So, no, I'm not looking forward to it. What I'm looking forward to is FULFILLMENT OF BIBLE PROPHECY because it is just so ENCOURAGING AND FAITH BUILDING.

It's encouraging to know that EVERYTHING, every jot and tittle that's been written in the Book is actually coming to pass JUST AS IT WAS WRITTEN. Prophecy can't be written out in absolute understandable phrases in modern English because it had to carry a very mysterious message. I mean, even the prophets didn't know what they were seeing half the time. They got sick after seeing these visions and had to stay in bed several days, some of them. It was a powerful outpouring of future events that ancient man couldn't understand.

Angels came and delivered messages to John on the isle of Patmos. He was taken up into the fifth dimension and experienced things we can't even imagine. By reading Revelation, those experiences can become real to US. They were written FOR US! WE are the generation that will see the return of Christ!

Isn't THAT something to get excited about? No matter what's going on around us, we can cling to HIS WORD. The Word is our strength, our protection, our provision, our inspiration, our food, water, light, in fact... OUR EVERYTHING!

So I say, "World War 3? BRING IT!"