Never stop praying. You can pray all the time, anywhere, everywhere, no matter what else you're doing. It's free. It's your life-line. And prayer can change your life.
Prayer doesn't need to be complicated, poetic, dramatic, eloquent or even grammatically correct. Quite often, all I say is,
"Thank-You, Jesus." Because that expresses what's on my heart at the time. I'm thankful for life, for good health, for strength, for the ability to tie my shoes.
I believe that God hates to be ignored.
I'll often mention His name and sometimes when people hear the name of Jesus, they think I'm using His name in vain. Ha. That's how programmed we are by religion. If you think about it, it may be one way the devil has of stopping us saying the name of Jesus. It's easy enough to say "God" and everyone does it. "God" is ambiguous or vague. It could be any god. But, when we say "Jesus", there's an incredible, indescribable power that extends out of the sound of those syllables.
Now, look at His entire name: JESUS CHRIST.
What do you envision? Do you see a man covered with blood hanging on a cross? Well, to hang on a cross was a CURSE. It says so right in the Bible.
"Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree." Galatians 3:13
Actually, wouldn't it be more cursed to ignore Jesus? We would be cursed if it weren't for Him. So, to speak to Him all day, every day is to keep the connection strong. That way, whenever He wants to tell us something, our ear is already attuned to His voice.
If I had one piece of solid GOLD advice, it would be, "NEVER STOP PRAYING." or, in other words, "NEVER STOP TALKING TO JESUS."
Talk to Him ALL the time about EVERY LITTLE THING. Ask Him questions. Any questions. Aren't you curious? Don't you want to know?
I used to ask a lot of questions when I was a little kid. I was FULL of questions, as most little kids are. But, what happened was, I would get either NO answer or else, really STUPID answers. I hope other little kids don't experience this but, in my case, the adults and older kids around me used to enjoy keeping me in the dark. It was as if knowledge was a deep, dark mystery that they were hiding from me and that's how I felt. So, I decided to find out the answers for myself. I went to the library.
Of course, nowadays, one only needs to go to the computer. It's all there at the touch of a button.
Yet, there remain some DEEP, DARK ANSWERS that are not readily available online. Those are the ones that can only be gotten by digging deeply into the mines of Heavenly Knowledge through PRAYER.