Humility is common sense, isn't it? Doesn't it make sense to want to be humble and to embrace humility? It's a more natural position. It feels more comfortable. It even feels healthier. Less stress.
The way of the world, the way to "get ahead" is to leave the competition behind. You're supposed to sell yourself ahead of the competition, show people how great you are, how superior you are. In business it's not even considered bragging to advertise your strengths and assets. But, this mindset doesn't go over very well with God.
Jesus gave an illustration of humility by advising people that when they come into a great hall or sit down to a fancy dinner, they should first choose the "low" seat. Then, He said, when the master of the feast comes in, you won't be the one he asks to take a lower seat. He may even invite you to take a higher seat if you have already assumed a lower position. But, if you have placed yourself at a top position, you may be publicly humiliated if you are asked to move to a lower seat.
Believe it or not, being publicly humiliated can be beneficial for the soul. From time to time, we need to know, deep down, that we are no better than anyone else. In fact, no matter who you are --that's right-- no matter who you are on this earth, YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE.
But, can't we say that a born-again Christian is better than an unsaved infidel? Nope. YOU ARE EQUALS.
We are all equals. We, as human beings are all equal to each other. You are no better than anyone else, not the beggar on the street, nor the little child asking you umpteen questions about life.
In fact, in God's eyes "greatness" is the opposite of what we humans think it to be. Jesus said, "He that is greatest among you shall be your servant." (Matthew 23:11)
Was He exaggerating? He couldn't have been serious about that, could He? Wasn't that just a slight tilt to try to balance out the prideful direction His disciples were going in by reaching for the great seats in Heaven?
It sure seemed like He meant it. After all, didn't He wash His disciples' feet? Didn't He get spat on? Wasn't He mocked and crucified publicly for all to see? Wasn't Jesus's humility real? Didn't He set the example for us all? Or not?
Nobody is better than anybody else --saved or unsaved. There should be no divisions between anyone. Period. All humans are equal. Is that a radical doctrine? It's not mine. It belongs to God. God created all of us equal. It doesn't matter who is smarter, prettier, faster, or even closer to God. (Spiritual pride is the worse kind.) Nobody is better than anyone else.
And nobody is less or worse than anyone else.
That's not to say that sin is okay. Not to say that an unrepentant pedophile should be allowed to continue his crimes. That's not to say that there is no judgment for criminal acts.
What it means is that we should leave off comparing ourselves academically or physically with others. We shouldn't compare ourselves with others and place ourselves in position according to wealth, intelligence or athletic ability when it comes to our standing with God. You may be a better athlete and, good for you, you worked hard. That does not, however, make you a better person than anyone else.
You may have had successes. You may have done wonderful things for others. You may have donated lots of money or food or your precious time. You may even give your body to be burned. But, it doesn't make you a better person than anyone else.
The funny thing about pride is that the second you lift yourself up into the limelight and pat yourself on the back, you've just hit rock bottom. And, in case you're that slow that you don't catch on immediately, God will probably allow something to happen to totally humiliate you in order to redeem you. That's how dangerous pride can be for us spiritually.
Pride is a pitfall. It's a hoax. It's really something that a Christian rejects entirely. It's poison to the spirit. It's Satan's favorite temptation. We should avoid it at all costs. After all, what does any of us have to be proud about?
About the only thing you can be truly proud about is the fact that Jesus is your King. You can boast about that. Boast about the fact that without Him you can do nothing. Boast that you are washed in the Blood of the Lamb.