Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Probably foremost to prepare for something is to find out WHEN IT BEGINS. Right? 

So, how do we do THAT? Easy peasy. It's in the Bible. WHAT? Yes, it is. It's all right in there. 

The Bible is a HISTORY BOOK. But it's also a ROAD MAP. Let's cut to the chase for our purposes here: The last book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation tells us that some things must happen PREVIOUS to the Tribulation. And those things HAVE NOT HAPPENED YET. 

Those things which must happen previous to the Tribulation are the very things that PRECIPITATE the tribulation. 

Just as the October 7th attacks were somewhat caused by the Jews' plans to build their temple, so the Tribulation will be caused by the Jewish temple being BUILT and the "Abomination of Desolation" being placed in the temple there in Jerusalem. This is what the Bible tells us.

Although it may seem totally impossible for Israel to build the third temple under these conditions, it is prophesied in Revelation and Daniel. 

You can also read in the Old Testament how that the second temple was built even though Babylon held the Jews captive and as they were building the wall, the group of Jews who were designated to repair and rebuild were constantly hindered by their enemies. Some of the same enemies that hinder them today.

What I'm trying to say is that the Great Tribulation is NOT going to suddenly occur. It will be preceded by specific prophecies being fulfilled. So, how to prepare for it??

Be aware of the SIGNS OF THE TIMES. 

There will be SEVEN FINAL YEARS. When I say FINAL, I mean before the return of Jesus Christ. He's not coming on a white horse to collect His saints. His angels will collect us UP TO HIM IN THE SKY. Every eye will see Him but He won't be coming down to land on the earth during the Rapture. He'll be gathering us together with Him from "one end of heaven to the other". 


After the Tribulation and the Rapture, THEN Jesus will return to earth on a white horse accompanied by the 144,000-strong calvary of the tribes of Israel. This time, He will touch down. Right on the top of Mount Zion.

THEN the Wrath of God will be poured out. If you believe in Jesus with your whole heart, you will already have been taken up to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. 

So. Seven years.


That's one of God's favorite numbers, isn't it? 

What starts off the seven years? THAT is the question. You should be asking THAT question. I DID. And here's what the Bible says. It says there will be a COVENANT that the Antichrist will SIGN, a 7 Year Covenant of Peace.

I don't believe it's talking about peace with the US or China but peace with ISRAEL because everything revolves around Israel and it always has. Because Abraham was God's Number One. And on Abraham fall all the covenants of peace that God offered. He called Abraham's children HIS CHILDREN.

And, as we know, the true children of Abraham are the Israelites. Sorry, but the descendants of Ishmael were not included in the covenant. I know that's a stickler for a lot of people, especially the descendants of Ishmael. 

Right around the same time when this Seven Year Covenant is signed, Israel will commence building their temple and MAKING A DAILY SACRIFICE. 

But the Tribulation DOESN'T START THEN. No. The Beast/Antichrist/False Prophet will ALLOW the daily sacrifice to continue for 3 1/2 years. This is the prophecy timeline. Halfway into the 7 years, the Antichrist will BREAK the covenant and THEN shall be Great Tribulation.

THEN, those who are in Jerusalem have been warned to FLEE. GO! Drop what you're doing and leave everything behind and RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.

#1 The Covenant is Signed

#2 The Third Temple is Built

#3 The Daily Sacrifice Commences

#4 The Covenant is Broken

#5 All Hell Breaks Out beginning at JERUSALEM

How does this affect Christians? (I mean real Christians, not just addle-minded church-goers who never even crack their Bibles.)

You already know the answer to that question but if you don't, I'll spell it out for you:

Jesus was a Jew, born of the lineage of Judah who was one of the twelve sons of Israel. He was the Jewish Messiah. Whoever has received Jesus as their personal Savior has been BORN AGAIN spiritually with the Jewish Messiah living inside their heart/spirit. Which makes us Followers of the Jew/Jewish inside. We have been grafted into the Jewish tree! 

What's happening right now in Israel is that the Jews are coming to Christ and receiving Jesus as their rightful Messiah.

ON THE OTHER HAND, there are many Jews who have not received Him. Those are the ones who will build a temple to practice their Old Testament religion of sacrificing to God. But, God will NOT receive their sacrifices. Of course not. Why not?

Because Jesus WAS THE FINAL SACRFICE for the JEWS first and for ALL mankind. Yes, ALL. Every person living in a human body with a belly-button at the front is eligible to receive salvation. Arabs, Muslims, Chinese, Japanese, Peruvian, American, everybody is covered by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB = Jesus. 

All you have to do is RECEIVE it. Receive Jesus, be born again and become a son/daughter of ABRAHAM THE FATHER OF FAITH. It's that easy. Jesus did all the heavy lifting. All we have to do is ask Him to come into our hearts. Period. Nothing else. No sacrificing of animals, purification rituals, baptism, self-mutilation, fasting, praying, nothing else. Only Jesus. That's all you need. 

You may be thinking: "If I receive Jesus as my Savior, does that mean I'll be entered into the Great Tribulation?"

Not necessarily. We can talk about that another time. God always prepares a way of escape.

Remember, the reason for the Great Tribulation is the introduction of the Abomination of Desolation into the Jewish temple. Of course, building the temple is going to cause a LOT of contention. However, the Jews are going to invite ALL religions to come into their temple to worship. BAD IDEA. I mean, THAT is really going to TICK GOD OFF. 

According to Jesus, the Tribulation will CENTER around Jerusalem. So, one way to prepare ahead for this event is to GET AS FAR AWAY FROM JERUSALEM AS POSSIBLE. That's my advice. 

PRAY for JERUSALEM. Pray for Israel. 

Stay close to God and stay in communication with Him through speaking in tongues and reading your Bible. Get a good translation that doesn't omit any of the important stuff and read it. Even one hour per day of Bible-reading and asking the Holy Spirit to guide you and FILL you as you read will change your perspective on the Great Tribulation so that you will actually look forward to all the MIRACLES that are going to happen in these days ahead.

                                       TIME IS SHORT.

                       EARTH RETREATS. HEAVEN OPENS.

PS Very, very few people read this blog. If you do, you are greatly valued as a reader and I would love to hear your comments, suggestions, or questions. God bless!