Saturday, March 10, 2012

Believe to See

     They say "Seeing is believing." But, if you've already seen, how much faith does it take to believe it? That's not exercising faith. The word faith means you are believing something you can't see, or else why do you need faith? So, what we should say is, "Believing is seeing."
     First you believe. Then, you see.
     If you need to see before you believe, it means you have a lack of faith. You're not trusting that what is being told to you is the truth.
     How do you feel when someone doesn't believe you? It's a nasty feeling, like your character is being called into question.
     We go to work for someone, believing that they will pay us. That takes a bit of faith. Business deals are transacted in faith. You have to have a certain amount of trust in the people you do business with. Even a Police Record Check doesn't guarantee that that person is honest, does it?
     One of the biggest arguments against faith in God is, "If God made us, who made God?"
     This sounds like a reasonable, logical excuse to deny the existence of a Creator. Logically speaking, there could not be a Creator because He Himself would have had to have been created at some point in time. Otherwise, how did He exist in order to be able to create?
     Who created God?
     The answer to that question is in the Bible. Exodus chapter 3, verse 14 says:
     "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."
     This is one of the few passages where a phrase is written in capital letters. Seems important. However, this is the sort of phrase that goes right over our heads. God's use of the present tense to describe Himself is mystifying, brain-boggling and in downright defiance of our human scientific laws.
     How can anyone or anything just "be"? That is an absolute impossibility in our realm. Our finite minds cannot grasp it.
     Our finite, human minds cannot grasp God. That's why the Bible says, "The carnal mind is at enmity (war) with God."  If we want to know God, we have to use another conduit. Faith.
     "According to your faith be it unto you."
     "...All things are possible to him that believeth." Mark 9:23.
    Where do you get faith? Little children seem to have ample supplies. But, how do adults get enough faith to believe the impossible?
     We simply need to ask God for it. He has barrels of it just sitting around going to waste. Just ask.
     If you ask him for a loaf of bread, He won't give you a stone and if you ask Him for faith, He'll give you abundantly more than you could imagine. It's all by faith.
     And then, you'll see!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

When You Know God is Real

     I have spoken to several people who said that they discovered God is real, simply by asking Him to show them. He wants to show you. He's waiting for you to open that door, to test Him for yourself. If God is real, wouldn't He be able to show you?
     So, I suggest to the seeker, "You be the test-tube. You be the experiment. Put the invisible, omniscient, omnipresent Creator inside of you and see what happens!"
     Put God to the test! Why not? He's more than able to answer any question you ask Him.
     What's holding you back? What have you got to lose? You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
     "What's in it for me?" you may ask. And the answer is:
     Peace of mind, joy, freedom from the weight of guilt and sins, freedom of choice, liberty of spirit, a new life with new desires and reasons for living, the truth, love... But the best part of it all is that you no longer need to fear death. You won't die, but you will pass from death into eternal life. Jesus Christ is handing out free tickets to the Afterlife, the Kingdom of Heaven.
     All you have to do is believe!
     "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." Acts 16:31
     It's that simple. It's enough to make you want to run out and buy a Bible, isn't it? If you don't already have one, you don't know what you're missing! The Bible is the most powerful book on the face of this planet. And, it's still a best-seller, in spite of all the lies and controversy against it down through the ages.
     There are mysteries within its pages. There are wonders to be marveled at. Prophecies recorded in the books of Daniel and Revelation, for example, reveal the near future that awaits us.
     To read the Bible with an open heart and mind is to take a spiritual journey more amazing than any magic carpet ride this world has to offer. You will feel the heart of God, weep when He weeps and laugh when He laughs. You will be swept up into an incomprehensible world of Love and filled with His omnipotent Spirit. It's all there for the taking.
     Don't wait until you run out of excuses. Don't (like the alcoholic) wait until you "hit bottom" before you wake up. You already know that materialism and the pursuit of selfish pleasure don't satisfy.
     Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour,Messiah, Lord, All-in-All, Prince of Peace, King of Kings and Lover of your Soul to find true happiness and peace today. Ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit, the spirit of wisdom and you will understand how wonderful life can be!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Religionists Crucified Jesus!

    We hear over and over that religion is what is destroying the world. I have to agree with that. Religious legalism and that self-righteous attitude of, "I'm right and you're wrong." has partly had a hand in bringing about war and destruction.
     If you take the love out of God's Word, you're left with the "letter of the law". Second Corinthians 3:6 warns that "the letter kills, but the spirit gives life."
     In chemistry, certain chemicals can become unstable without an inhibitor. In the same way, removing Love from the Word creates a dangerous and destructive weapon. The Bible is a weapon that must be used with wisdom. (Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge with love.)
     "The Word of God is quick (alive) and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword..."
     It was the religious leaders of Jesus' day that killed him.
     Because, Jesus came to make salvation as easy as possible. The Scribes and Pharisees had him crucified, because the religious system of the day said it couldn't be done without them, without following all of their complicated laws, traditions and religious rigmarole.
     So, what exactly does it take to obtain the salvation of one's soul?
     We can't earn it. We'd never be "good" enough to deserve it. We'll never by worthy. We can't work for it.
     Salvation is a gift. All you can do is receive it.
     Then, what?
     Then, thank God for it! It has been bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ.
     If you're not sure whether you have received this gift from God, why not just ask Him for it? Here's an example prayer:
     "Dear God, If you are real, please show me. If Jesus is your Son Who died for me, please forgive my sins and give me the gift of eternal salvation. Thank-You. Amen." 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Is the Bible Like the Moon?

     It could be that dusty, heavy, old book left behind by your dead great-grandmother, who fingered through it once a week on Sundays. Maybe you envision a thick, leather-bound version being pounded by a religious fist or carried to church under the arm of a preacher. Perhaps that book is an embarrassment, a dark secret that we don't want to talk about. You may have been convinced that it's full of fables, wives' tales and mistranslated bunkum. Besides, it's too difficult to understand and it contradicts itself.
     Have you ever wondered why, of all the books in the world, the Bible has been surrounded in such forbidding threats and accusations? It's just a book, isn't it?
    Every day, more than a metric ton of meteoroids hits the moon. But, the moon continues to shine on us.  
    Like the moon, God's Word has survived. And it shines on.
    When all is said and done, each of our lives will be summed up by how we treated the Bible; whether we read it, or believed it, or obeyed it or whether we ignored it and chose to swallow the accusations against it.
     No, it's not just a book. It comes in the form of a book with words in it. That's true. But, you won't find any words in any other book that hold as much power. Therein lies the very reason behind the enemy's attacks on it. The enemy of your soul wants to convince you that it's just a weak fairy tale, full of mistranslations and contradictions because he knows that if you actually read it, just one word of Truth is able to pierce through the darkness and fill you with Light. 
     "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that hears my word and believes on him that sent me, has everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life." John 5:24
     God put his cookies on the lowest possible shelf for us. How could it be any easier than that? All you have to do is hear his word and believe it to pass from death to eternal life.
     Jesus said, "The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." John 6:63
     Get those words into you and you will be full of life and light. The darkness will flee. Try it and see. 

(For those who are new to Bible-reading, I suggest you start with the book of John. Cut your teeth on that.)


Monday, March 5, 2012

The Most Important Book on Your List

     Have you read the most important book in the world? There is a book that tells us where we came from, how we got here and why we are here. It contains the history of the world from the beginning, the names of our forefathers, their communication with their Creator, and the miracles that protected and provided for them. Most importantly, it holds the Truth within its pages, without which, mankind could be doomed to fall back into the Dark Ages.
     There was a time when the Truth was withheld from the masses, when men were forbidden to read this Holy Book and forced to believe in fables, fallacies and ridiculous, perverted lies cooked up by those who wished to enslave and control them. It was a time of darkness, not just intellectually, but a spiritual darkness of the soul.
     Man/woman is body, mind and soul and unless education addresses the spiritual, man will once again become intellectually darkened and lost in a world without any meaning or purpose.
     Don’t be ignorant of what’s paramount to human existence on this planet. Many who have gone before you have suffered torture, crucifixion, and martyrdom to preserve and pass on this torch so that you and I could choose to live in the light. Illumination of our souls came at a heavy price, but some believe it was and is well worth that price; for what could be more important than the eternal enlightenment and salvation of our souls?
     For millions of people around the world, their Holy Book is the Qur’an. In it there are some important truths, a couple which I will site here:
     “O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary- distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah]. He will speak to the people in the cradle and in maturity and will be of the righteous.”
     Quotes taken from The Holy Qur’an ; ‘Ali ‘Imran 3:45, 46
     If one is a true Muslim, he believes in Jesus Christ. Thus, Christians and Muslims should consider themselves brothers and sisters in God. As Mohammad instructed his followers to believe in and follow all the prophets, including Jesus, then it is necessary to read the words of Jesus in order to know what He said. After all, how can you judge a man without hearing him first?
     A true education and enlightenment must include regular reading of the Holy Bible. If you’re reading it in English, the King James Version is the most-enduring and poetic translation, although it contains a few old-English words. (There are less than a dozen words that would need to be learned in order to enjoy the richness of the King James Version.)