Thursday, March 8, 2012

When You Know God is Real

     I have spoken to several people who said that they discovered God is real, simply by asking Him to show them. He wants to show you. He's waiting for you to open that door, to test Him for yourself. If God is real, wouldn't He be able to show you?
     So, I suggest to the seeker, "You be the test-tube. You be the experiment. Put the invisible, omniscient, omnipresent Creator inside of you and see what happens!"
     Put God to the test! Why not? He's more than able to answer any question you ask Him.
     What's holding you back? What have you got to lose? You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
     "What's in it for me?" you may ask. And the answer is:
     Peace of mind, joy, freedom from the weight of guilt and sins, freedom of choice, liberty of spirit, a new life with new desires and reasons for living, the truth, love... But the best part of it all is that you no longer need to fear death. You won't die, but you will pass from death into eternal life. Jesus Christ is handing out free tickets to the Afterlife, the Kingdom of Heaven.
     All you have to do is believe!
     "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." Acts 16:31
     It's that simple. It's enough to make you want to run out and buy a Bible, isn't it? If you don't already have one, you don't know what you're missing! The Bible is the most powerful book on the face of this planet. And, it's still a best-seller, in spite of all the lies and controversy against it down through the ages.
     There are mysteries within its pages. There are wonders to be marveled at. Prophecies recorded in the books of Daniel and Revelation, for example, reveal the near future that awaits us.
     To read the Bible with an open heart and mind is to take a spiritual journey more amazing than any magic carpet ride this world has to offer. You will feel the heart of God, weep when He weeps and laugh when He laughs. You will be swept up into an incomprehensible world of Love and filled with His omnipotent Spirit. It's all there for the taking.
     Don't wait until you run out of excuses. Don't (like the alcoholic) wait until you "hit bottom" before you wake up. You already know that materialism and the pursuit of selfish pleasure don't satisfy.
     Accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour,Messiah, Lord, All-in-All, Prince of Peace, King of Kings and Lover of your Soul to find true happiness and peace today. Ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit, the spirit of wisdom and you will understand how wonderful life can be!

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