Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Kampar to Cambodia to Thailand

In my travels, meeting and greeting other believers, I notice that the ones who are the most on-fire, excited and exuberant are the people who tell me they spend time in the Word. One lovely Cambodian girl said that she reads some Bible first thing every morning and starts her day with prayer. She is a real warrior of the faith, encouraging other new believers with her enthusiasm.

But, the other side of the coin is that the people who have nothing positive and everything negative to say are the ones that confessed they either couldn't or wouldn't read the Word. Two people that I have in mind told me that they were constantly besieged with doubts, fears and lies. One of them could not sleep. As a result, she could barely keep her eyes open during the day and, unfortunately, downer dialogue was all that came out, even though she has been used mightily of the Lord in the past.

A young man who professed to believe in Jesus did not understand the importance of reading the Bible. So, two other Spirit-filled girls helped me try to convince him on it.

We know it's not easy. Of course it isn't easy. Anything worthwhile takes some effort. Even for those of us who have developed a habit over years of reading the Word will sometimes find it easier to do anything else BUT read the Word.

"Oh, I need to cut my finger nails." or . . ."Oh, I should read the news." or . . ."I need to make a shopping list." or . . . "I have to send a text-message.What was I just going to do? Oh yeah, read some Word!"

Read your Bible! Read your Bible! Read your Bible!

Then, after you've done that, tell your problems to God. I can pretty much guarantee that you won't have anything negative to complain about to anybody. You'll be wanting to help them with their problems instead!

It's a wonderful, wonderful thing when you give up your life to God! He can do a much better job with it than you can. He can see all the pitfalls and even when you don't know yourself, He's knows you and He knows what you need and when you need it. He won't let the tasks get too heavy. Nothing is too big for Jesus to bear!

"Give me a task too big, too hard for human hands.
Then shall I come to lean on Thee
And leaning, find my strength."

So, before you come up with your arguments, doubts, fears and problems, go to God's Word. That's what it's there for. Go cry to your Daddy about it! He lives inside the pages of your Bible!

Did I happen to mention: He's got all the answers! Don't be lazy! Don't keep asking other people for the answers! They don't know any better than you do! Go to the Answer Man!

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