Sunday, April 14, 2013

Revelation continued . . .

Just as you would check your itinerary while traveling long distance by train, I took a look around and decided that I should check my itinerary for the RETURN OF CHRIST because it appears to be looming on the horizon!

God, in His infinite, omniscient wisdom, knew that we would have computers, television and digital cameras in these days. So, when He gave John the visions of all these stupendous events that would take place worldwide during the "End Time", he knew that these technological tools would allow those of us who are interested to discover exactly what and where and to what extent these events are taking place in our world worldwide!

Ok, so there's been a few extra earthquakes. What's the big deal? DEAL.

Not just a FEW EXTRA earthquakes. The entire globe is rocking and reeling like a drunk man! There have been an UNPRECEDENTED number of earthquakes this year!

Isaiah 24:20 says, "The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard. . ."

So many signs are flashing before our eyes that it's difficult to ignore them. What does it all mean?

Well, if you have been studying your Bible, you'll know. It's ALL in the Book. There's nothing hidden that shall not be revealed. God likes his children to dig into His Word and get the answers. He also likes it when you run and ask the "Teacher"! I do that a lot! It doesn't seem to bother Him.

"Study to shew yourself approved unto God; a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth."

Before you open your Bible, it helps to really get desperate for God to help you to read it. Reading the Word without God's guidance and the infilling of his Spirit and wisdom can really confuse you and cause problems; even instill fear. But, fear is not of God! God is not trying to scare you! He's trying to help you!

Shall we continue on in Revelation? I'm focusing on specific verses, but you can also read the entire chapter to get the overall picture. My original intention was to show you why I believe Christians/believers/true followers of God (and I'm talking about those believers who are born again) will go through the Tribulation. ---Not only go through it, but go through it with flying colours, joy, victory and rejoicing! If you're not up for this, you don't know what you're going to miss! God is going to pour His Spirit out on us like never before!

We are going to overcome (Rev. 12:11) "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."

If you don't love your life, it's a lot easier to give your life to God and let Him live through you. Have you ever felt that your will was dead? Have you ever fully trusted God to make all your decisions? It may not happen often, but it's a position you can put yourself in as much as you're able. It's even a bit crazy in the eyes of the world. You simply LET GO. And trust.

Try it! You just might like it! He'll amaze you. The reason is that God actually DOES know what He's doing. He knows what He wants done and how to do it the best way. We can be His channels; just like how some people are channels for evil spirits, we can "channel" Jesus Christ! Oh, and, by the way, God has already provided the Holy Spirit for that express purpose.

The Holy Spirit helps you remember things you need to know at a moment's notice, He puts the right words in your mouth to speak to potential believers, He puts a huge smile on your face that you can't get rid of, He makes your life easier, happier, freer and more exciting, He calms your fears, heals your sicknesses and causes you to mount up with wings as eagles! Try. Him.OUT.

So, I get the sense that a lot of people are interested in what the Bible has to say about recent events. The reason I say that is because, since I started writing on this topic, my blog hits doubled and tripled. My question is, "Why?"

"Why are you interested in what the Bible has to say?" --- because I sure hope it's not to mock the Words of God or to spread around sarcasm. This is the Real Deal. God is not dead. He's been winking at a few things in the past, but He's not stupid. Don't make the mistake of judging God. Because we know who will win. All I can say is, "Get with the programme/program before it's too late."

Don't climb back into your booze bottle. Don't grab a smoke. Don't close your eyes and hope it goes away.
Don't be afraid to open the spooky book of Revelation! --like some people I know. God knows you're not perfect. He created you. He knows all about you! He knows more about you that you know about yourself. But, as the saying goes,

"THIS is NOT about YOU."

Forget trying to do it yourself, clean yourself up, make yourself a better person. It's not going to happen. You're going to be sinning until the day you die. Give up on yourself. You are a mess. We all are. THAT is why we have to allow Jesus to take over our lives and show us the way step by step by step. All we have to do is follow. It really is that simple. You can DO this!

Ok? So, I'll get back to Revelation tomorrow, because I don't think you're ready for this stuff quite yet. . .

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