Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Legal, Binding Contract

The Bible is God’s contract with us. - With you. He has put your name at the beginning and signed His name at the end. He is legally bound to you to fulfill His part of that contract.

For the most part, His part of the contract has already been fulfilled. He has fulfilled His obligation by dying on the cross for your sins. It’s up to you to claim the rights written in your contract. You might call it the “fringe benefits”. They are all yours to claim.

What is a contract?

In business, two businesses or two people draw up a legal document which stipulates their duties to each other. Party number one agrees to deliver such-and-such at such-and-such a time and place under certain conditions, etc. If the duties are not fulfilled, there are conditions within the contract to be followed. It is advisable for both parties to fully read all the “fine print” to make sure they are in agreement with all the conditions they sign up for.

Now, in the case of our contract with God, since God is our business partner, we are obligated to Him as well as Him being obligated to us. In which case, don’t you think it would be wise to read the contract? Wouldn’t you want to know what it says? - What your part of the deal is?

The Bible says, “The Word of God is quick (alive) and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword!” (Hebrews 4:12a)

This contract has the power to change your life and the life of all those around you. Do you believe it? When you enter into the contract, you put your life on the line and you get a new life in exchange!

Not your usual business contract, is it? Who would you say benefits the most? Well, in order to find out for sure, I guess you’d have to read the contract.

Some of us are afraid to read it for fear of what our obligations might be. We may be called on to take the Gospel to China or Africa. We may be asked to give of ourselves and our income. There may be arduous and harsh demands put upon us.

On the other hand, we willingly throw ourselves into slavery and harsh demands for money. We lay down our lives to earn a living to support our family. We get up at the crack of dawn, spend time in traffic, donate our entire day to someone else (sometimes without seeing the sun all day) and return home exhausted and drained. And, for what?

Meanwhile, Jesus says, “Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Do you see the difference? What employer ever says that to his employees? Are you friends with your boss? (Or, if you’re a boss, are you friends with your employees?)

Jesus said, “I have called you friends, for whatsoever I have heard of My Father, I have made known unto you.” (John 15:15)

We, little old humans, are God’s friends! The Creator of the entire universe is our Friend. Can you even begin to imagine how vast the universe is? It boggles the human mind. Just as the greatness of God boggles our finite minds. How can a finite mind fathom the infinite, eternal God, Who lives everywhere at once? (He can do that because He is not bound by time or even by space in the way that we are.)

Don’t try to wrap your puny mind around God or ask the childish question, “Who created God?” Come on. Haven’t we gotten past all that by now? Do you really expect to fit the answer to that question inside of a human, fleshly brain that was built by God for use in this earthly existence?

Come on! Your brain wasn’t made for grasping eternal concepts. Can you even understand how a computer works? We haven’t even scratched the surface of how the human body works and these are things within our “realm”.

“Infinity and beyond” is a math concept. You have to stretch your imagination to even believe that there is such a thing as eternity. I’m pretty sure the idea came from God. So, it must be true.

Back to the contract. There are agreements within the contract. You are not obligated to enter into the contract at all, if you choose to ignore it. However, since the universe is guided by God, it would certainly be wise to go into business with the Provider of all things, the Father of us all, the King of Kings, the Bread of Life, the Great Creator and the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Lord. Wouldn’t it?

You can just make a onetime transaction for your own salvation, if that’s all you want. You can claim the saving grace of the blood of the Lamb, say, “Thank You very much,” and walk away. You can do that.

It would be weird. It would be like falling in love with someone and then being satisfied with only one kiss before leaving them behind. But, you can do that, if you like.

On the other hand, you might want to consider first what you’d be walking away from. If a business partner offered you a profit of two million dollars per annum, would you walk away? You might, depending on the requirements, but I think you’d at least take a look at the offer, wouldn’t you?

My advice is: Shake hands with your Maker.  Accept His free gift of salvation. Read the contract. And sign on the dotted line.

What have you got to gain?

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