Thursday, September 24, 2015

Homo Naledi --A New Species?

Recently, archaeologists, digging in South Africa, claimed to have discovered a new species! They call it "Homo Naledi". And, apparently, they have discovered, not one, but fifteen of these so-called new species. My. My.

In my own sarcastic and sardonic way, I would have to laugh and say,

"Seriously? You really want us to believe that? Do you also have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell us?"

Why is it that Christians are constantly told to prove that their God exists? Yet, these so-called scientists make outrageous declarations and are believed without question. Why don't they have to prove to us that what they dug up is not human?

They have feet like humans. Amazing.

In fact, the entire skeleton is very humanlike. The only difference is that these creatures were only five feet tall.

Why wouldn't your first assumption be that they were short humans? Why would your first assumption be that they were some "new species" from millions of years ago that were miraculously preserved because no water had touched them? And, why would you build a case to prove your theory? Isn't that working backwards?

A scientist is supposed to find evidence to build their theory, not to support their theory.

My first reaction upon seeing a picture of the skeletons was that they were in fine condition and couldn't have been very old. They probably came from a family tomb of African pygmies.

This is all conjecture and what we used to call "common sense" and I'm not even an archaeologist. But, you know, sometimes common sense is all it takes. And to be able to recognise when people are truly going off the deep end.

Anthropologists define pygmy as a member of any group having an average height below 1.55 meters (5 feet 1 inch). Here's what Pygmies look like. --Bare any resemblance to the Homo Naledi?

How would you feel if some archaeologists dug up your bones and proclaimed that you were a "new species"?

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