This is Psalm 37 with commentary. "Fret not thyself because of evil-doers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity."
Anybody who is envious of the workers of iniquity might be thinking, "Hollywood, all those movie stars; they're rich and how did they make their money?" Well, did they work iniquity? You could possibly say that for the most part, I'd say the majority of movie stars have, throughout their career, pretended to be fornicating and committing adultery on screen. There's a lot of iniquity committed in their movies and in the production of their movies. I've heard that some of them were actually "doing the deed" while the cameras were rolling. We know that many of them were naked or nearly naked --not that's the worst sin of all. Then there's the foul language, the drinking, smoking, pretending to be those characters that they were portraying; you could say that's kind of committing iniquity.
I'm not saying that Hollywood movie stars are the worst people in the world. That brings to mind the Alex Baldwin, involuntary manslaughter case. (What on earth was a loaded gun doing on the set?) I'm just saying, don't be envious of these people who have a lot of money, because, maybe it's possible that they are workers of iniquity.
I don't think we should compare ourselves to anybody, really. That's what gets you in trouble. That's what causes jealousy. Now, if we want to talk about jealousy now, I think we should talk about jealousy because jealousy is what they call the "Seven-Headed Monster". It's a terrible demon. It's a spirit. It's a demon.
I have felt jealousy. I have felt jealousy take control of my emotions. It's a terrible, forceful demon, as far as I'm concerned. It is triggered very quickly when you start comparing yourself with another person. It really doesn't matter who that person is --it could be a person that's uglier than you but they're happier than you, or it could be a person who's richer than you are and you don't believe they are worthy of it. You can't compare yourself to other people because --here's the next verse:
"For they shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb." Rather than comparing yourself, what you're supposed to do is what it says in verse 3:
"Trust in the Lord, and do good;" Those two things are going to prevent you from being envious against the workers of iniquity... "so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed." So, what do you need to dwell in the land? You kind of need a roof over your head. I would call that "dwelling". You need a dwelling and you need food. So, if you trust in the Lord and you do good, you can have a roof over your head and food in your belly.
It's going to come to the point where that's all you care about is a roof over your head and food in your belly and maybe some clothes on your back and shoes on your feet. Other than that, you're going to realize that those are your priorities. You're still alive. You're healthy. You've got a roof over your head and food in your stomach. God is going to take care of everything, if you trust in Him.
"Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart." If you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart! So what else could you possibly want? If you've got a roof over your head, food in your stomach and --on top of that --the cherry on the cake is the desires of your heart. Some of us have a lot of desires in our hearts. And if you're delighting yourself in the Lord, your desires are going to be godly.
You can just relax and trust God that your desires are godly. They're good. And, you're going to get them. Maybe not right away, not all of them right away, but you're going to get the desires of your heart if you delight yourself in the Lord.
This is a really great chapter for right now because we're seeing California burn. We're seeing Hollywood and mansions that were worth millions of dollars; these mansions start at three million a piece, right? These Malibu mansions and Hollywood mansions that are no longer, they're dust. They're dust, now! They withered as the green herb. Even Witherspoon's mansion is gone. And, Ben Affleck lost his house. So many wealthy people have lost millions of dollars worth of homes.
One woman was able to recover a safe and get it open that was inside her house. She managed to get out some valuables out of her safe. So, I guess if you've got a safe in your house, that's not a bad idea. But, remember, that's going to be the only thing that survives a fire like that. Her safe remained locked and it remained all in one piece, kind of like the black box in a plane. It survived the disaster.
What's your most valuable possession? For me, it's my Bible but my Bible is not irreplaceable. I put my Bible in my heart. That's my safe. It's locked. It's locked in. Even if you burn me to death --all the better. Hahaha. Seriously.
"Commit they way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass." We're going to say to trust in the Lord, delight yourself in the Lord and now, commit thy way unto the Lord. He's going to help you live out your destiny. There is a destiny for each one of us because God has written a book for each one of us that has our destiny in it.
God knew that I was going to be sitting here, reading His Word after the California fires burned down thousands of acres, if not millions. I don't know if it's millions but it's so much land that it has aroused people's suspicion, especially since the insurance companies revoked the insurance on so many of these homes. I don't see how that's legal for them to do that. I don't understand how they can close your insurance policy if you've been paying into it and you have made an agreement with your insurance company, I don't see how the insurance company can all of a sudden say, "No. Your insurance is revoked because we know the future. We know that there's going to be the Santa Ana winds that are going to carry this so-called wildfire throughout California and burn down all these houses that we have insured in the past."
It's wrong on so many levels, I can't do the subject justice. Not enough water, the roads were narrowed; they cut down the lanes on the highway so that the emergency vehicles couldn't get in. It was nuts. The whole thing was like they prevented the prevention and they prevented the cure. They prevented the firefighters from being able to do their job of putting out the fires.
Do I believe the California fires were the judgment of God? NO, I DO NOT.
What I do believe is that it was an act of the devil who used wicked people to perpetrate this evil. I believe these people will not get away with this and that, one way or another, God is going to use His people to heal the land and restore it.
No, it was not the judgment of God. However, Satan had a foothold in that Blue state where Kamala Harris resides. And, as the saying goes, "If you give the devil an inch, he'll take a few thousand acres."
to be continued...
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