Saturday, January 5, 2013

How Old is Our Planet?

There is a consensus of opinion, even among some mainstream Christians, that our planet is very, very old, possibly even billions of years old. The evolutionists seem to increase the age of the earth every time they write about it. It's all guess-work. 

As Christians or followers of Christ, we are told that there are approximately 6,000 years of recorded world history. It's very clear in the geneologies that man used to live longer life-spans closer to the beginning of our existence, making it a lot easier to calculate the age of the earth. 

Children could easily go and ask their grandparents for their eye-witness accounts because their grandparents were still alive and youthful. Other than that, there is lots of scientific proof to support the truth of creation, not that we should need to support the truth.

One man, in particular, has spent his life expounding in depth, the truth of Creation vs Evolution. That man is Kent Hovind. I hope you can get a chance to listen to some of his debates. He's very convincing. 

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