Saturday, June 22, 2013

Are You Saved?

So, are you saved? Do you have "salvation"? And, how can you know for sure whether you are or not?

First off and very importantly, this is something you can't figure out with your mind. Believe me, I've tried! So many times! And can't wrap my head around it no matter how hard I try. I don't think it's because I'm stupid. Salvation is a spiritual concept that doesn't make sense with the human brain.

Perhaps, some day we will understand it.

I watched "The Passion of the Christ" the other night and it sickened me. (No offense, Mel.) I couldn't stand to see all that blood. But, what was worse than the disgusting visuals was that it really messed with my head.

I do not understand why Jesus was required to suffer agony, shame and death. Why? Why? Why? What good did it do? Did Satan gain anything from it? And here's the real killer, the Bible says "it pleased the Lord to bruise Jesus"! Phew.

Sorry. I don't understand. I'm not trying to make this more difficult than it already is, I'm just saying. My brain cannot comprehend it. Is it because it's so much love that it supersedes my thinking modus operandi? Or is it because pain and love don't seem to go together? Who would want someone they loved to suffer?

Why was a death required in order for the sins of the entire history of humans to be overcome?

It seems that Jesus did this wonderful, hugely sacrificial thing for us in order to please God and so that God would be able to look at us. Before Jesus's death, God could not look at us because we are covered in sin. Apparently, the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all that sin that was blocking God's view!

The question is, "How do you know you are saved?"

The answer, to the best of my ability is: "It is by faith." If you believe you are saved and you know that you believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, you are saved! That's right, folks. That's how simple it is. If you prayed that little prayer or one like it, to receive (accept) Jesus into your heart/life (not your mind), then you can be "born again into the kingdom of heaven".

Amazing, isn't it? So simple and yet so powerful! And wonderful. And all for free.

You simply touch God with your faith and a miracle happens inside your soul called "salvation".

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