Monday, June 24, 2013

Being Born Again

Being "born again" is a result or offshoot of being saved. This is also something you cannot "feel" with your senses. Although, some people do feel happy, elated, excited, relieved, bubbly, exuberant and peaceful in a unique full-of-total-peace way that they've never felt before. So, for a lot of people, there are "feelings" involved.

Some have said that they felt as if they were emerging into the air, coming up from deep water! Some have said that the grass appeared to be greener, the sky bluer and the air fresher. For many, being saved and being "born-again" was a once in a lifetime experience that they will never forget.

Can you remember the day you received Jesus as your own Saviour and Lord? I sure can!

For me, that day will be forever recorded in history as a milestone. When I opened my eyes after having prayed the "sinner's prayer", it felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted from my shoulders. I could breathe! Yes, the grass was greener, the sky was bluer and I had an inexplicable peace that everything was going to be just fine from then on.

Although I also received an infilling of the Holy Spirit, it wasn't until days later that I received the "gift" of tongues. The Holy Spirit manifested also in prophecies and visions later on. It's one step at a time. And it's really according to your faith.

However, all this to say that salvation is not necessarily a physical experience for everyone. And if you don't "feel" saved, that doesn't necessarily mean that you're not saved. Once you have confessed your sins and accepted Jesus Christ by faith, you don't need to do it again. He comes in and your life is changed. You are reborn.

As Jesus Himself said to Nicodemus in John 3:3, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." When Nicodemus couldn't wrap his head around it, Jesus explained a bit further saying, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit."

You may not even be aware of the exact point at which your spirit is reborn. But, it happens by faith. We receive new insights into the Word of God and new motivation to reach out and help other humans around us.

Along with this rebirth, you should have a good, healthy appetite for the Word! As Number Five said in the movie, "Short Circuit",

A truly born-again, saved and delivered believer will want to know more about his Creator and his God! And God will want to pour out to you, too! Just like a newborn baby, you will desire the milk of the Word to grow on.

And that, my dear friends, is what this blog is ALL about. The Sincere Milk of the Word! So, drink up. And grow. Mature spiritually. Then, as you get closer to God, you will begin to learn all the secrets of the universe.

That's a start.

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