Sunday, February 2, 2014

Tribulation Preparation

Since it's almost upon us, I think it would be a good idea to prepare for it! You may ask, "How?" And I would answer, "Good question."

How does one prepare for the worst scenario ever?

In most motivational talks, the speakers often tell you to "see yourself there". It may seem a little negative, but, in a sense, "seeing yourself in the tribulation" can help by psychologically preparing yourself to accept that it is going to happen and that it's God's will.

Ok, so if that doesn't help much, here's another idea:

Learn how to get things from God.

It's really good practice to learn how to trust God to supply your needs without your help.

In order to learn how to do that, you'll want to learn and better yet, memorize Bible verses to claim for your needs. For this, you can either purchase a concordance or go online to use an online thesaurus such as the one at:


When you look up a word, like "supply", the thesaurus will give you an entire list of scriptures you can look up that have that word in them.

Philippians 4:19 says "My God shall supply all your need, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

When you pray, take that verse, hold it up to God and claim it! Hold God to His Word. Why wait until the situation is dire before you learn the power of God's Word?

So, I suggest that the best way to prepare for the Tribulation is to learn the Word. Learn how to use it as a practical tool. Learn some of the power that it commands. Let it rule over your life now. Follow it. It will lead you to greener pastures in the spirit.

I don't really think there's any way to prepare physically for what is coming on the earth in these next few months. Physically, you will just have to learn to survive. Spiritually, we can learn to THRIVE.

Keep using your spiritual muscles. Strengthen them by using them. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.

Read the Psalms. Memorize as many powerful verses as you can. Psalm 91 has brought many believers through many tribulations and persecutions. Christians in the past have swallowed poison and not been killed, passed through the fire and not been burned, even been shot with a bullet and it didn't touch them. On and on and on, I could tell you testimonies of those who have survived terrible persecutions through miracles of God and His angels.

God's angels shall bear you up in their hands lest you dash your foot against a stone. You shall run and not be weary, you shall walk and not faint. We just need to learn to trust.


It's easier said than done. It doesn't happen when we're comfortable, only when we're forced into difficult situations. And that's what is about to come soon. The Great Tribulation.

Are you ready?

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