Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Touch of Your Faith

Some people don't believe that the Bible is the Word of God. It is difficult for them to believe that words written on paper could have any power at all. It is difficult to believe that a book came from God.

Let's take this a step further. Christians believe that this book IS God.

Think about it. God is His Word. His Word says so!

John 1: 1 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God."

We are told that the Word (Jesus) was with God and that He is God. How do we know that Jesus is the Word? Revelations chapter 19. If you read the whole chapter, you'll be mind blown. But, to identify Jesus as the "Word", you can read verse 13:

"And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word off God."

In verse 16, it says, "And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS." just to make no mistake. Same Dude!

The WORD is GOD.

BUT! Now, this is a big huge BUT, ok? This is an important BUT. You cannot read the Word of God without something that is so important that if you don't have it, you will be causing destruction to yourself and others.

The LETTER OF THE LAW KILLS. Without the Spirit of God IN YOU, you can read this very same Bible and it will BACK-FIRE!

How's that for a tremendously powerful keg of dynamite? YES! That is the power of God! He insists that we read it in HIS SPIRIT with the ANNOINTING of His Holy Spirit! And NOT with our human MIND alone. We  must be guided by the Holy Spirit in the reading of His Word, dear ones.

It takes the touch of your FAITH!

So, let's back this up a bit and take another look at what is being said here, ok?

I'm saying that the Word is God BUT if you read it in your own human understanding without God's Spirit to guide you, you can come up with all kinds of destructive and fatal results!

Your faith is the key that unlocks the mystery of God's Word. If one reads the Word in DOUBT, they will get just what they are looking for. Their lack of faith will produce the opposite results as someone who reads the Word in FAITH.

The Dead Sea scrolls were handed down to us from thousands of years of History. What a miracle! Even a non-believing archaeologist would have to agree that the preservation of God's Word is a miracle. These scrolls were hand-written and copied word for word and duplicated exactly as they were written from the beginning when God spoke to Moses face-to-face.

The New Testament is written by men who were on the earth while Jesus was in human flesh. Yes, the Word became flesh. God put on human flesh so He could understand what it was like. He was tempted by sin but he did not yield to it. He carried that sin to the cross and was made sin for us!

I'm so convinced of the love and mercy of God that I believe if a person honestly wants to believe in the True Living God Who is alive and speaks to us today, God is not a cruel tyrant who is unwilling to help that person to understand. He's not going to make it difficult. He'll HAND you faith on a silver platter. He'll even SHOW UP in some cases and I've heard of people who have SEEN Jesus. That's how easy He makes it for those who are SERIOUS about finding the TRUTH and WANT the TRUTH with ALL OF THEIR HEARTS.

God makes it easy for us to believe in Him. He bends over backwards. All we have to do is take the FIRST STEP. Just accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour/Messiah/Lord/Jehovah/Mediator/Prince of Peace/Son of Man. Just ask Him to come into your heart, into your life and show you what's up! Then read the Bible in an attitude of faith. He'll GIVE you the faith to believe it.

You won't believe EVERYTHING all at ONCE! Nobody's got that much faith. Do they? (Maybe some do.) But, as much as you can accept and believe will get you started on a wonderful trip into the realm of the joys of the Spirit World! There's no end to it!


What have you got to lose? Probably nothing worth keeping. Lose yourself in God's Word!

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