Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Noah Movie Review

The movie, "Noah" starring Russel Crowe started out alright. I mean, the first few seconds were accurate in that God created the heaven and the earth. But, after that, it became a fairy tale. Sadly.

I was quite disappointed because it was sort of interesting and even had a lot of facts thrown in but it was a big letdown simply because it was not scriptural.

One redeeming factor of this movie is that it may get people to pick up their Bibles to find out,

"Did that really happen?"

"Was Noah really THAT out of touch with God that he was going to kill the baby if it was a girl but allow it to live if it was a boy?"

That part reminded me of China.

If you do happen to want to read your Bible to compare it with the movie, you'll find the story of Noah in the book of Genesis chapters 6 to 9.

The Bible indicates that God spoke quite clearly and directly to Noah, giving him specific instructions on how to build the ark as well as directions on storing up food, even telling Noah exactly how long the rain would fall. God even told him when to leave the ark.

In the book of Genesis, you'll notice the words, "the Lord said" followed by a direct quotation of words that God spoke to Adam, Noah and Abraham.

God had conversations with Adam as they walked together in the garden. In fact, God tells us that man was created for God's pleasure. So, it seems that God enjoyed talking with Adam and Eve before the fall.

He continued to talk to specific men afterwards. Then, angels spoke to specific people in an audible voice.

Although, it happens less often in these days that humans hear the audible voice of God, it does happen.

Nowadays, we are living in the "Age of Faith" so that in order to know God, we need faith to believe in a God we no longer hear in an audible voice or see with these physical eyes (unless God so chooses to allow it). Most of the time, our relationship with God is by faith.

When God speaks to His children, it's usually not audible. It's a thought or a knowing by faith.

But, when Noah heard from God, God was speaking out loud very clearly. There were no "if's, and's or but's" like the movie portrayed. Noah was not confused about his mission as he was in the movie.

God told Noah, "The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth... but with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee."

Noah knew exactly what his mission was. He knew what God was doing and why. He didn't have doubts or wonder what God was telling him. He simply obeyed.

Through Noah's obedience, mankind had a second chance. Of course, mankind muffed it. Again.

Still, obedience to God is a wonderful thing. When we do it God's way, it shows God we believe in Him and trust that He knows best.

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