Saturday, March 12, 2016


These days, I'm starting to realize that the most important thing in my life and walk with the Lord is my relationship with the Lord. And it's not about dropping everything and falling down on my face.

It's just so simple. It's just acknowledging God's presence.

He's always there, right at our right hand. "A very present help in trouble." And, these days, we are always in trouble. That's how I see it. I see that I'm always struggling either with myself and my lack of patience, lack of faith and lack of obedience; or I'm struggling with the enemy of my soul and his agents. So, we are always in some kind of trouble.

Today, I was thinking, "God, I'm so demanding and I have so many needs. I'm always needing Your help with finding something or getting something or doing something. I'm so 'high maintenance'."

But the message I "felt" was that Jesus loves to be asked for help. He loves maintaining me. Why?

Well, I think there are many reasons. First, He loves us to communicate. It shows Him we not only believe He hears us, but we show Him our lack and need for His help. He loves to fill the void. He loves to be our Hero.

I guess you could say I love being the "maiden in distress". It's just so inspiring to see God save me over and over again and come to my rescue in big and little ways all day long every day! He's my Knight in Shining Armour, or as a Spanish friend would say, my "Blue Knight". (In Spanish they call the hero your "Blue Knight". I don't know why.)

The Bible spends a lot of time instructing us on how to relate to God. He is the vine we need to abide in. He is the door we go through. He is a shelter, a rock, a hiding place. And we are to "Call unto" Him. He is our bread, water, light, ... We are to cast our burdens on Him.

So, does that mean that God is our slave?

I was wondering about that. I told the Lord, "I feel as though I keep giving You orders, Lord but I don't want to make a slave out of You." So, then the thought came to me that, in a way, He is like the genie in the bottle. (The bottle being the Word!) So, we rub or read the Word and He pops out "at our service".

And, even though this sounds ridiculous, I think it's true! I think God loves to be at our beck and call, ready to serve, ready to help, strengthen, comfort, protect or whatever we need! There really is NOTHING he will not do. Nothing is beneath Him or His Holy Spirit. SO!

So, although I want to be a slave to God, it really is the other way around. Or maybe both ways.

And when you get to that glorious point where all you need is God, you realize that He really is much, much more than ALL you need. He is all you want! He is all you desire! He is all you dream! And He is greater and more marvelous and stupendous than you can ever imagine. 


The thing is that I keep pushing His buttons, thinking that, sooner or later He's going to get ticked off at me and leave. BUT HE DOESN'T. It's like every time I ask Him for something, He does it and I get the feeling He's saying, "Ask more. Ask more. That was nothing for Me. Expand your expectations." (John 16:24; John 14:13 & 14) 


What a promise! Does it really mean what it says? "ANYTHING"? Why not test it? Let's put this verse to the TEST! Let's find out if God really meant what He said! If that is the case, that means WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD THROUGH OUR REQUESTS! 

Think of the ultimate power God has put into the hands of His faithful followers!

It has been said that God is only limited by our lack of faith.

Every time God answers a request, it increases my faith to ask for more. It's almost like a game to see how big my faith is to ASK. Of course, I ask nicely and I always add, "if it's Your will".

So, this amazing, awesome relationship that I have been honoured with has become my priority. I don't want to make a move without Him. I don't want to have a thought that doesn't include Him. And I don't want to sound overly spiritual because, really I don't see myself that way. I see myself as "needy" but not ashamed to be needy, because, so far, my neediness has been at the bottom of a stupendous dependency on the Creator of the Universe.

This relationship we can have with the God of Love is what will be our strength in times ahead. In fact, I believe it is absolutely necessary, vitally important and the best thing we can do for ourselves and for the rest of the world. Everyone needs this!

My God is not merely the God of this world. He is the God of all the worlds. He is the God of the Universe and Beyond. And He's my Hero!

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