Tuesday, December 20, 2016

God's Personality

Think of the kindest, most considerate person you know. This person has a smile on their face all the time and it seems, no matter what you do wrong, even if you spill your milk on the table cloth, they smile at you even bigger. They know you didn't do it on purpose. They even feel sorry for you that you feel so bad about spilling it, so they make excuses about how it's only an old table cloth that they don't even like.

Multiply that person's kindness and forgiving attitude by a thousand. There's nothing you can do wrong in their eyes. They have a mysterious, uncanny love for you that you know you don't deserve. Nothing can shake it. Nothing diminishes it. Not in the least. In fact, the love grows every second, every minute.

If you've never known anyone like that, try to imagine that person. Multiply their love by a thousand.

That wonderful person's personality doesn't even come near to God's personality.

God's love for us is indescribable, incomprehensible, unfathomable and beyond all we could ever ask or think. He loves us individually and uniquely as only He can. His love is as bountiful as the snow that has continued to fall all around us here in Barrie for the past several days. There seems to be no end to it.

You can shovel it into neat piles but, minutes later, more snow has accumulated so thickly that nobody would know how much snow you just moved off the walk! That's God's Love.

The biggest lie Satan likes to convince us of is that God is mean and law-enforcing, unmerciful and holding to unbearably high standards to which we will never attain. He wants us to think that it's God who lets little children starve and brings wars, famines and floods on us.

Even insurance companies call earth-quakes, tornadoes and tsunamis "acts of God" but they are not. God isn't going around judging us with weather, war and starvation. That's the Devil.

I don't like to talk about Satan because, really, it's hard to imagine a thing so wicked, so destructive, and so deceitful. But, let's just say that Satan likes to take the credit for God's goodness and blame his wickedness on God. He's very skillful at it and has duped a lot of people over the centuries.

Jesus said, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath."

He was telling the Pharisees that God made the law for our good and to protect and care for us. We were not made for the sake of the law. It's the other way around.

Knowing us as He does, God knew we would never be able to keep the law. He knew we were flawed and didn't expect perfection from us. How could He? He is the Only One Who is perfect. Not us. Not humans. We are deeply flawed.

And though, you may think, "Not our fault. That was Eve's fault." Well, actually, the fault was Satan's. Wasn't it?

Did God stop loving Adam and Eve after they disobeyed Him?

Well, did He?

No, He did not. In fact, He felt sorry for them. He was sorry that Satan hurt Adam and Eve with his poisonous deceit causing them untold suffering. That's why He arranged (from the beginning of time) to rescue the world by sending His most precious Offspring to the earth in human form.

Did God know Satan would succeed in having Jesus killed? Of course, He knew. God tricked Satan. He let him kill His Son in the flesh. How short-sighted was Satan? He thought he had won. He even had a heavy stone rolled in front of the tomb where Jesus's lifeless body was lain, thinking it would stop the miracle of the resurrection. (Seriously? That rock was a featherweight to God's angel. Just a joke.)

Satan is such a loser. The world's biggest loser. The biggest loser in the universe.

Everything he touches turns to destruction. Except not Jesus. He could not destroy Jesus.

Don't allow Satan to destroy your perception of God's personality, either. God is Satan's opposite.

Everything God touches turns to sweetness, success, health, beauty, wealth and joy. Everlasting joy!

God is loving, merciful, happy, kind, jolly, humourous, clever, artistic, creative, wonderful, romantic, generous, . . . He's past finding out. But, some day, we'll find out and we'll be amazed. Most of us have the wrong perception of Him. Where is our faith? What kind of God do we worship?

He is WORTHY. He's NOT a puny god. Yet, as great as He is, He loves puny old us.

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