Wednesday, January 18, 2017

"Thy Will be Done on Earth. . ."

We are instructed by Jesus to pray that God's will be done ---where? In Heaven? No. We don't need to pray for God's will to be done in Heaven. God's will is already BEING DONE in Heaven. That is clear. That's the implication.

We are instructed to pray that God's will be done on EARTH. That's our domain. --Our reality.

Think about it. We humans who are responsible for the incredible mess that's going on on EARTH are the very ones that Jesus enlisted to pray for God's will to be done here. Why didn't God just tell His angels to "go on down there and make sure those creatures do my will"?

How about God instructing the priests and pastors and ministers of the churches to "get out there and make sure My will gets done on earth"?

No, no. MAN is not ENFORCING God's will on Earth. That's not how God chose to do it. He chose to BRING HIS WILL THROUGH OUR PRAYERS! Hallelujah!

Who is it that prays that prayer?

It's not just the pope or the missionaries or the pastors or preachers that pray it. The Lord's Prayer is for everyone: children in school, children at home, mothers, fathers, soldiers, sailors, businessmen, teachers, tailors, firemen, . . . It's a prayer for everyone to pray. It's the best-known prayer in the history of mankind.

The Buddhists don't have a famous prayer. Neither do the Hindus nor the Muslims. THIS prayer came out of the one and only Holy Book, the Bible. It didn't get dreamed up by the Hare Krishna, the Rabbis or the Baha'is. THIS prayer has been passed down through the ages word-for-word, unchanged and just as powerful today as it was over 2,000 years ago.

When someone/anyone prays that prayer, they are quoting Jesus. That's the amazing thing I love about that prayer is that it holds the very words of Jesus Christ. It came right out of His mouth.

"Our Father, Who art in Heaven. Hallowed be Thy name. . . "

Jesus is referring to God as His "Father" and introducing God to us as our Father. Now, God is not just far away and unreachable, He has become a member of our family. God brought Himself down to our level. Now, we can call God our Father.

"Thy kingdom come."

A mobile kingdom? It's moving toward the earth? It's a kingdom that is coming here? Wow!

"Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."

We pray for God's will to be done on earth so we should also be ready to do whatever it is He wants to use us to do to bring His will to the earth. Most of us don't even know what it is that God's will is. Many of us want to enforce what we believe God's will is on others of our species. So, maybe the question is:

"What is Your will, God?"

Jesus gives us a few clues, like in John 15:16:

"Ye have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in My name, He may give it you."

The first part of that verse explains that #1 - God chose us. And, #2 - our purpose is to bring forth fruit for Him.

The second part of that verse illustrates the relationship He wants to have with us: He wants to GIVE us stuff. He wants to have a FRIENDSHIP where He gives us stuff and we bear fruit for Him. It sounds like a wonderful, spiritual, perfect marriage. Better than any earthly relationship. (Yet, at the same time, it enhances all of our worldly relationships.)

So how, exactly do we bear fruit? He tells us in John 15:4:

"Abide in Me, and I in you, As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in Me."

ABIDE IN ME. So, what exactly does that mean in real time? Simply, STAY IN JESUS. And how do we do that? WE READ THE WORD AND MEDITATE ON IT.

It really is that simple. The Word of God (the Holy Bible) MUST take first place in our hearts and minds at all times.

So, actually, it's really not as simple as it sounds, is it? I can attest to the fact, my dear brothers and sisters, it is not at all as simple as it sounds. In fact, it is an ON-GOING, ALL-OUT, VICIOUS, COMPELLING, TORMENTING SPIRITUAL BATTLE!

It's a WAR of the WORLDS between Satan's Kingdom and the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God wants God's will to be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Satan wants HIS will done on Earth as it is in Hell.

(Note: I am not convinced that Satan's will is done in Hell. Satan doesn't seem to have much authority in any realm, in the end. However, he has been given permission temporarily to rule THIS realm of Earth, IF we humans ALLOW him to. And, apparently (look around) there are MANY humans who have given Satan his will and, in fact, even worship Satan --- thinking that Satan DOES have power. Which he does NOT, as we see when we read the WORD. Which is why he doesn't WANT us to read the Word.)

Find the WORD and find your TRUE IDENTITY and POWER given to you as a child of the Most High God. We do not have to worship the Most Low "God", the puny fake god who will sit in the temple of God, telling himself that he is God. We serve the MOST HIGH GOD Who rules over all and in all and IN US (as much as we will allow Him to).

GOD'S WILL be done on Earth. Not Satan's.

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