Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Don't Let Your Head Talk You Out of Faith

I read an article posted on facebook by a lady who announced that she has chosen not to be a Christian.

That in itself is interesting because, if she had been a Muslim, she would never have made such an announcement to the world or "someone" would have found her and killed her. (I think the punishment for "denouncing your faith" in Islam is beheading by the sword, if I'm not mistaken.)

Nevertheless, this young woman had constructed an entire list of all the reasons she had for denouncing Christianity. I'm wondering why anyone would go to so much trouble to convince herself and others that Christianity is a false religion. Is it because Christianity failed you? Or, did Jesus fail you?

If Christianity (as in church worship/other believers) failed you, let me be the first to tell you: Christians are NOT perfect. There are umpteen varied doctrines and interpretations of the Bible going around, too, which doesn't make it easy to find a nitch to fit into.

There's the 7th Day Adventists, the Catholics, the Protestants, the Baptists, the Mormons, on and on. Each "church" has its strengths and insists on certain priorities of their faith. So, what to do?

Here's a suggestion: read about how the early church did it and then try to find a church that emulates them.

Unfortunately, that won't be easy. For one thing, the early church was made up of dedicated followers of Christ who forsook all their worldly possessions and went out by faith to spread the gospel. They had miracles, signs and wonders following them and their preaching was full of the power of God.

If you do find a group (church) of believers who are sold-out and on-fire for the Lord and want to carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth, you'll find true Christianity.

But, it still won't be perfect. There will be disagreements, arguments, mistakes, failures and all kinds of human frailties. That's why you really can't put your faith or your reason for believing in Christianity in the followers of Christ. We are not perfect. That's the raw truth of the matter.

You aren't perfect either, are you? So, can you honestly expect perfection from Christians?

I'll tell you where you can find perfection, though. In Christ. Christ alone has the answers you seek. Jesus Christ alone is what Christianity (in the true sense of the word) is all about. It's not about the laws or traditions of men. It's not about methodology or doctrines.

We live in the Age of Faith. "Without faith it is impossible to please God."

Find your faith. You won't find that in yourself or other Christians, either. Your faith is a gift from God and the way to get that gift is by reading His Word and receiving it into your heart.

Man will fail you. Woman will fail you. Denominations and churches will definitely fail you. You can't keep your eyes on human beings as the source of your faith or lack thereof.

Keep your eyes on Jesus. He's the Only One Who will get you where you want to go! Straight into those pearly gates and on through eternity. His love never fails. And, for some unknown, inexplicable reason, he loves YOU.

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