Monday, December 14, 2015

Is the RFID the Solution to Terrorism?

Terrorism is real. There's no doubt about that. And we just never know when or where it will strike next. With all the incoming refugees who are Muslim, the US is facing the possibility of more and more strikes. So, the question is:

"Is there a solution? And, if so, what is it?"

The emphasis will be on the importance of identification. How else can we tell the difference between the terrorists and the non-terrorists? A way to identify each person distinctly will be touted as imperative to dividing the sheep from the goats.

The RFID will be the solution to terrorism, slavery, excess emissions, etc., etc. It will be touted as a "solution" at first. It will be "required" as a medical necessity and then...


They will say that if you are not part of the "solution", you are part of the problem.

Is there any other way to keep track of every single individual on the planet and have ALL of their personal and medical information at the touch of a mouse?

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