Tuesday, December 22, 2015

What Happens AFTER the Tribulation?

Have you been studying the book of Revelation? It is ALIVE and BREATHING TODAY. The book of Revelation is HAPPENING NOW and I don't mean just a "happening", it is HAPPENING.

Picture yourself riding on a train. It has been hours and hours and, although the scenery is beautiful and the rocking motion of the train is soothing, you know you must be prepared to get off because, your stop is a short stop and your luggage is massive.

Wouldn't you want to know, at least approximately, WHEN your stop will come up? Wouldn't you be looking out the window for the signs on each of the stations that you pass?

Revelation tells us exactly and specifically what to watch out for so that we will know without a shadow of a doubt, just where our train is and when our final destination is coming up!

Revelation talks about "the last seven years" and, I have come to realize that the "Rapture" happens BEFORE the end of the seven years. It's very clear. We will not be here for God's Wrath, therefore, on God's Time Table, the 7 years end AFTER the Battle of Armegeddon.

So, when do the 7 last years begin?

We know it has BEGUN when the 7 Year Peace Covenant is "confirmed" or signed by the Antichrist or Beast. It is MY belief that it will be THEN that Jerusalem will start to rebuild their TEMPLE.

Have these two things happened yet? I think not. Not that I know of. Please let me know when it does. That 7 Year Covenant is very SIGNIFICANT. But, the Tribulation DOES NOT BEGIN THEN!

It will be 31/2 years later that the Great Tribulation begins.

(I'm not saying that things won't be "bad" and "difficult" before that, but, supposedly, with this "peace" covenant, there will be a sort of peace. Perhaps the Muslims will settle down and stop murdering Christians and Jews for a while. We'll find out.)

So, the Tribulation lasts for 31/2 years, but the Bible says "those days shall be shortened" and then, Jesus will return to gather His elect from all over the world to take them to the Marriage Supper.

I'm assuming that during the Marriage Supper is when the Wrath of God is poured out. This is what happens AFTER THE TRIBULATION.

The truly horrible stuff that we don't want to even believe or receive, THAT stuff is NOT FOR US! God doesn't HATE His children! He's not going to pour out His wrath on us dear ones! AU CONTRARE. He's going to RESCUE us OUT of the Tribulation and REWARD us for going through it and for carrying the Gospel throughout the ends of the earth.

We will be at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb while Jesus and His army of 144,000 mighty men of faith from Israel go down to the earth and judge the ten nations that have attacked Jerusalem and burned her with fire. Even though God was angry with "Babylon the Mother of Harlots", He will repent of his anger and furiously attack her enemies. (Ezekiel 38:16) I believe Gog is Russia. (THIS IS NOT THE BATTLE OF GOG AND MAGOG. The Battle of Gog and Magog happens AFTER the Millennium. However, it couldn't even be considered a battle because the Fire of God devours them BEFORE they have a chance to do anything. Ha!)

The blood will flow up to the horses' bridles and it will take 7 months to bury the dead. (Ezekiel 39:12) THESE are the people who will be LEFT BEHIND.

After Armageddon, God is going to pour out His Spirit upon the House of Israel! And NEW Jerusalem will COME DOWN FROM GOD OUT OF HEAVEN!

For your encouragement and to get a real high in the Spirit, read Revelation 21 and 22. I love to read them over and over.

It's truly amazing and so like my God that the Bible just TIES altogether. It ties together everything from the beginning to the end which is really the FUTURE. Revelation is our LAUNCH PAD into an ETERNITY OF HEAVENLY BLISS! The earth will be recreated! Imagine that! Then, we will see an end to man's atrocities and wickedness. Our sins will all be washed away forever and we can start over and DO IT RIGHT! Wow! Just WOW! 

...So THAT'S what happens AFTER the Tribulation.

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