Monday, November 16, 2015

Salvation is Forever

Here's how I see God. God is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent; that means He knows it ALL, He is ALL powerful and He is EVERYWHERE. So, that means He knows everything from the beginning to the end. Our entire history on planet earth is a blip on His screen. Do you agree?

If so, He knows His own. He knows who is going to be saved from the beginning of the creation. He knows every hair on our head and how many there are!

Therefore, if one is truly saved, they cannot "lose" their salvation. If you are saved, you are saved. It's a done deal. You confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and YOU ARE SAVED. Period.

How do you lose that?

By being really, really, really BAD? By being lazy, inconsiderate, by stealing, cheating, lying, committing adultery, gambling, drinking and smoking? I mean REALLY BAD. You MURDER someone in cold blood! Doesn't THAT lose you your salvation? Doesn't God have to punish you by taking away your salvation, like the Catholic Church excommunicates people when they do bad things?

My Catholic friend was surprised to find out that I actually believed I AM SAVED and I KNOW I am going to heaven. (Actually, the heavenly city, New Jerusalem is coming DOWN TO US! HA.) When I asked where he was going, he said he preferred and hoped to go to heaven. So, when he saw how convinced I was of the gift of salvation, he immediately asked (as do many)

"EVEN IF you do bad things? EVEN IF you go out and kill people and steal?"

And I sort of have to laugh because, when you think about it, salvation truly IS a MIRACLE that God can just outrightly forgive us for EVERYTHING, wash our sins away in His BLOOD and allow us into His presence is all a MIRACLE, isn't it?

But, the Bible says there's nothing that God cannot forgive.

The thing is that Salvation is being born again. That is a metamorphosis like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. Does the butterfly turn around and try to change back into a caterpillar?

Once you have received Jesus Christ into your spirit, He becomes one with you! You are born again into a whole new life. Like a newborn baby, your spirit starts to grow in faith in HIM. You start ditching all the lies, changing your point of view and having different opinions about the things that matter. You are NO LONGER THE SAME.

"If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new."

Think about that famous verse, John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish but HAVE everlasting life."

Wouldn't God be an "Indian-Giver" if He took back His gift? Plus, as I have said, He already knows everything we are going to do in our lives, so why would He even GIVE us the gift if He was going to take it back?

(The other side of that coin is that, just because someone prays to get saved doesn't mean that it happens unless they truly believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead and sincerely want to accept Jesus as their Saviour. It's really between them and God whether they got born again or whether they don't; whether they are praying to God or just repeating words that mean nothing to them. Only God knows their heart.)

Being a born-again Christian does NOT mean you will suddenly be "good". NO WAY. Sorry. That is just NOT going to happen, so you may as well give up that idea right now. We have to fight the devil and fight our "old man" EVERY DAY of our lives and, let me tell you from experience, sometimes it's NOT PRETTY and it's NO FUN. We really have to put on our boxing gloves and go a few rounds! It's painful and there are TRIALS of your soul to where you have to SEE yourself and your sinful flesh the way God sees it! But, the closer you get to the Light, the more you want to be exposed!

What Salvation is: Once a person is saved, that means no longer needing to worry about death or fear dying! You are saved! You receive a "Get out of Prison Free" ticket because Jesus paid the price for you on the cross. His perfect blood was the sacrifice for our sins. Once saved, we are a child of God and He protects us and provides for us. He answers our prayers. (I put a whole list in a previous post on here.)

WE CANNOT EARN SALVATION. Right? Can we pay enough? Can we suffer enough? NO. Because we are mere humans. Only our Messiah the Prince could do that. So, HOW can we KEEP ourselves saved? Well, we can't. We can't be good enough to keep it either. It's a GIFT.

Getting to know Jesus is a supreme addiction. You find you really can't get enough. You start to feel that it's worth ANYTHING to have the ecstasy of being in the wonderful presence of God.

Here's how I see this: if you don't KNOW you're saved, maybe you are NOT. You probably ARE, but you need to make sure from the Word that you CANNOT LOSE IT BY SLIPPING UP. God is NOT going to punish you by taking away your salvation. Salvation is His ownership. He owns you and he's not going to let the Devil get you back! He promises us that. You were a child of God from the foundation of the earth and He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the end.

What Salvation ISN'T: Being saved does not mean your flesh is sin-free. There remains sin in our flesh until the day we die. But, that sin helps us to grow and learn and it's even for our good because "all things work together for good for them that love God." Romans 8:28

How many times does God have to die for our sins? Is once enough? So, for you and me to accept that free gift He died for, isn't once enough? Or, do we need to keep asking Him for it every day?

"Oops, I told a lie, yesterday. There goes my salvation, again. Better go back and get saved."

Um, no. We should ask for forgiveness, sure. If we are persuaded of sin, of course, we should confess it and forsake it. But, remember, we have no power within our flesh to "be good" and our carnal mind is constantly fighting against God. (Isn't yours? Mine sure is.)

Our salvation is NOT by FEELINGS. It's by FAITH. No matter how we may feel, we KNOW that God loves us, forgives us and has given his life for us. How amazing is that?

Do you KNOW where you're going when you die?

Please make a comment below if you have a chance and I can pull up dozens more verses on salvation. The reason it's called "Eternal Salvation" is because it's eternal STARTING NOW or starting whenever WE RECEIVE IT! All we have to do is ENJOY!

And share it with as many others as possible! Amen?

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