Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Biggest Sword!

As the darkness deepens, the light will get brighter. Our relationship with Jesus is what is going to make us stronger. Our strength comes from the Lord. Our strength comes from the JOY of the Lord!


"For the Word of God is quick (alive) and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4:12

The Word of God is ALIVE and POWERFUL. I have taken to "using" that verse on any level on any occasion for any difficulty. Admittedly, there have been several occasions of difficulty lately. But, if there were no difficulties, we wouldn't be so prone to claim the Word and discover its magnanimous power.

I say this to encourage you. The Word is AMAZING ON EVERY LEVEL. You can use it to discern what people are thinking! You can use it to judge a situation and make decisions. It's alive. It comes to your rescue. It provides. It leads the way. It opens up mysteries. On and on...

A friend of mine said that with all the terrible things going on in the world, she is afraid. I just hope that this blog isn't instilling fear in anyone's heart. That's certainly not the intention. The intention is for believers to get stronger, grow spiritually, get encouraged, get information about the future, fall in love with Jesus and all kinds of good things. And for the undecided or non-believers to want to try what we have in the Lord.

They don't call Him the Most High God for nothing. The most high one can get is getting high on the Holy Ghost. A spiritual encounter with the living God will blow your socks right off. It is highly addictive to get hooked on Jesus. Frankly, I can't get enough! And it's a BLAST to share Him with others.

Fall in love with Jesus. He's the Gift that keeps on giving.

Yes, we are going to go through the Great Tribulation. Yes, it's going to be bad. It's going to be worse than anything that has ever happened on the earth until this time, especially in Jerusalem. But, and this is a huge BUT...

What kind of a Commanding Officer would go into a historically enormous battle without having first fully prepared his troops? Wouldn't He want us to be fully prepared and equipped and specially trained to fulfill the duties of our rank to the best of our abilities? Wouldn't He want EXCELLENT, OBEDIENT and STRONG soldiers to send to the front lines?

I don't know about you, but lately I have been hungering and thirsting after righteousness and getting as much information about the upcoming battle as possible, looking to fellow Christians and those with testimonies of faith. 

It's okay if I don't believe every jot and tittle of their doctrines or if they differ in their opinion on smaller, insignificant beliefs, as long as they love Jesus and believe in the power of God. And by watching Youtube, I've found I can tap into some amazing, on-fire Christians who are leading the way in miracles and manifestations of the Spirit.

There is evidence all around that, as the darkness deepens, the Lord's army is getting charged up and primed for the biggest spiritual battle in history. The devil is going to have God's permission to persecute believers and even be allowed to kill SOME of us. Those ordained to die will have dying grace when the time comes. Those whom God will protect and keep alive will be so-well protected that not even a hair of their heads will perish.

The Lord knows exactly where you fit in this battle. He knows your calling, gifting and destiny. I do believe the Lord will show us when/if it's our time to go, or if He doesn't actually tell us, He'll pour out such an anointing of power on us that we will rise above our earthly flesh like Stephen did. Many of the martyrs were said to have died smiling and praising God. They didn't die sadly. Their deaths were a witness that won their ENEMIES to faith in the Lord!

I had a dream that I was arrested and taken to an arena where there would be lions or other animals released to kill me there. For a moment, I sort of froze, although I wasn't terrified. I just cried out desperately to God and asked, "WHAT DO I DO NOW, LORD?" Then, as I looked up at the people sitting in the grandstands, it came to me that this was an opportunity to preach. So, I started yelling as loud as I could, telling everyone how wonderful Jesus was and how much He loved them! And then I woke up! That was a very encouraging dream.

We will have power for the hour. We DON'T HAVE IT NOW because WE DON'T NEED IT YET but, when the time comes, we will each rise to fulfill our destiny with shining colours and make Jesus proud! Meanwhile, we can pray for each other, grow in faith, put our faith into action and fall in love with Jesus.

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