Thursday, October 8, 2015

New Converts

"I was a filthy, rotten sinner to the age of six, when Jesus set me free."

That was the testimony of a little boy who "finally" found Jesus.

Jesus said he did not come to the righteous. He was sent to the sinners. Only the sinners qualified to receive him, because only the sinners, that is, people who knew they were sinners, would listen!

If you don't know you're a sinner, if you think you have some righteousness of your own, some goodness that you alone have been privy to, then, my friend; you don't qualify.

The only way that salvation can "take", is if it saves you. If you don't need it, don't require it, don't absolutely desperately desire it with all of your heart, it won't affect you. It will roll off your back like water off a duck.

Maybe you don't need to be a filthy, rotten sinner. But you need to know that you are not perfect, you have hurt people, you have lied, you have probably stolen some little thing, you have been selfish and inconsiderate and you have been vain and proud. At least And those are sins.

What's to say that little sins are not equal to bigger sins? Who's to say that the crime of murder is the worst sin? Or homosexuality? Or child molestation?

Sin is sin. Wickedness is wickedness. If you break the law in one point, you break the whole law.

Only God can judge our sin and I don't really think God cares if it's big or little or what magnitude it has because little sins can cause just as much overall harm as the big ones. Right?

We would like to have "special punishment" for people like Hitler or OJ Simpson or Gadhafi, but, really, were those people any worse than me or you?

We are all sinners. Yes, even after salvation, we still continue to sin. Every day.

Yes, we have the advantage of having the Spirit of God in our soul to lead and guide us and, most of all forgive us. But, we will continue to sin every day, every moment of the day until Jesus comes back or until we pass away.

That's why Jesus gave us the Lord's Prayer. That's why David said, "Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. (So secret I don't know what they are.) Keep me back from the sin of pride." Psalm 19:12 & 13

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