Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Powerful Pontiff with a Plan

Pope Francis knows how to draw a crowd. He is received with more crowd mania and media madness than the Beatles ever had. Everyone adores him. Even the Protestants.

(Where are you, Martin Luther?)

Why wouldn't the crowd go crazy? After all, he's God's representative, right? He's up there with Jesus, isn't he?

I remember when my sister came home from a Beatle concert in the sixties. She was hoarse and so were all her friends. Although she hadn't intended on screaming her lungs out and although she wasn't really wanting to make so much noise that she couldn't even hear the Beatle's music, she screamed. They all lost their voices from yelling so loud. Why?

Something happens to people in a crowd. They catch whatever new contagion is going around. Each individual adds their own twist of enthusiasm and passes it on to the next guy. They stir each other up and before you know it, it has reached such a pitch that we have mass mania madness on our hands.

Let's face it, the world needs a "saviour" as one politician put it, "be he God or the Devil, we will welcome him with open arms"...

Our planet is in a mess. If we don't get solutions fast, we may not even survive. We are experiencing  more earth-quakes than ever recorded in the history of mankind. Not to mention terrorism, tsunamis, floods, nuclear plant melt-downs, wars, refugees, civil unrest and economic crises world-wide.

It's going to take a global solution. It's going to take a genius who can somehow lead the world out of disaster and into peace and prosperity.

It's going to take the Antichrist!

And who is going to prepare the way for the Antichrist? Who is going to go before him as John the Baptist went ahead to prepare the way for the coming of our Lord?

The False Prophet.

Now, I wonder, "Who could that be?"

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